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与 latter-day 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The former genes cause neurological diseases, such as Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's and Niemann-Pick. The latter cause cancer.


The latter can be actuated with the gear lever or with paddles behind the steering wheel.


So it turns out that the Boltzman distribution law is only the first order approximation of the Bose or Fermi distribution. We can say it is the latter that is the general distribution law of ideal gas particle in a potential field.


The medical service of a general practitioner is much better than that of an outpatient department, because the latter deals with a patient in less than 15 minutes.


When a distinction is made between the terms Traducianism and Generationism, the former denotes the materialistic doctrine of the transmission of the soul by the organic process of generation, while the latter applies to the doctrine according to which the soul of the offspring originates from the parental soul in some mysterious way analogous to that in which the organism originates from the parent's organism.

当一个区分条款traducianism和generationism ,前者是指物质主义的传播灵魂,由有机物的过程中产生,而后者则适用于该学说根据其中的灵魂子代来源于父母灵魂,在一些神秘的方式类似,在其中的有机体来源于父母的有机体。

The fact that the genitive absolute is used mainly in the narrative portions, only denotes that the latter were more freely translated; besides, Hebrew possesses an analogous grammatical construction.


By that decade,"geology" and "geognosy" were coming into use, along with such older terms as "mineralogy" and "physical geography," the latter now being redefined as fields subordinate to geology.


For a carpenter and a geometer investigate the right angle in different ways; the former does so in so far as the right angle is useful for his work, while the latter inquires what it is or what sort of thing it is; for he is a spectator of the truth.


Some candidates choose the latter and embark on a whirlwind tour of the policy world, weighing in on just about every issue and offering specific, programmatic details. It's what John Kerry did in 2004, John McCain and Al Gore did in 2000, and Dick Gephardt did in 1988 — to just name a few. It's not a coincidence that all these candidates were legislators, and none of them won.


And just as the sensation which has led us to attribute an objective reality to a non-existent thing which we call "purple" is more important for human life than the conception of vibration of a certain frequency, so too the belief in God, however ill founded, has been more important in the life of man than the germ theory of decay, however true the latter may be.


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Latter Days

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
