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与 latter-day 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, when Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) defeated Darius Ⅲ(reigned 336-330 B.C.) at Arbela, resulting in the latter's death, Persia became a province of Macedonia.

然而,当亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great,公元前356-323年间)在阿尔比拉打败了大流士三世(公元前336-330年间在位),并导致大流士三世后来死亡时,波斯就成为了马其顿王国的一个省。

Basil persuaded Constantius to summon a general council, Ancyra being proposed then Nicomedia; but the latter city was destroyed by an earthquake; Basil, therefore, was again at Sirmium in 359 where the Arianizers had meanwhile regained their footing With Germinius of Sirmium, George of Alexandria, Ursacius and Valens, and Marcus of Arethusa, he held a conference which lasted until night.

罗勒说服constantius传召总理事会,安该拉建议,然后尼科美底亚,但后者的城市被摧毁了地震灾害;罗勒,因此,又一次来到锡尔缪姆在359那里arianizers曾同时苏醒过来,立足与germinius的锡尔缪姆,乔治的亚历山德里亚, ursacius和蠹,马库斯的arethusa ,他举行了一次会议,一直持续到深夜。

It is revealed that the cap rocks of gas pools in China are dominated by argillaceous rock, followed by evaporite, but the resource volumes sealed by the latter is relatively larger.


Red terrene and grey terrene are the main compositions of the Badong formation. The former (section 2 and 4) is mostly composed of elastic rock or arenaceous argillaceous rock and the latter (section 1, 3 and 5) is mainly composed of carbonate rock.


This article proposed: First, the political philosophy and latter modernism are to the initiation inheritance profound resonsideration, but their standpoint is different; Second, the political philosophy's subject is just, but regarding anything is just, the new liberalism interior is debated, between it and the social group principle's argument is more intense; Third, the initiation


B The provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply only to such armorial bearings, flags, other emblems, abbreviations, and names, of international intergovernmental organizations as the latter have communicated to the countries of the Union through the intermediary of the International Bureau.


B The provisions of subparagraph of paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply only to such armorial bearings, flags, other emblems, abbreviations, and names, of international intergovernmental organizations as the latter have communicated to the countries of the Union through the intermediary of the International Bureau.


As Jansenism was elaborated in France, especially by Jansen's friend Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, the abbot of Saint - Cyran, and by the latter's protege Antoine Arnauld, it also entailed an austere form of piety and a rigorously puritanical morality.

由於詹森主义是在法国的阐述,特别是詹森的朋友让Duvergier德Hauranne的住持圣-C yran,以及后者的门徒安托万阿尔诺,但它也带来了严峻形式的虔诚和严格的清教徒道德。

However, the widening gap between humanistic culture and scientific culture took place just a few centuries ago . moreover, along with accelerating development of technology and increasingly social demand for technology and material fortune resulting from technological application , arrogation from sense of science made it bit by bit go beyond the regulation and applicable confine of humanistic value ,which resulted in that scientific culture overtopped humanistic culture ,and the latter little by little declined and show itself to be extremely incomplete.


For a moment compassion restrained the latter's arm; but that was a short-lived mood, and as quick as thought can follow thought his piece was levelled, and whang!—— the fox, rolling over the rock, lay dead on the ground.


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Latter Days

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
