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与 last-ditch 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My last breather, last blood fill in my last mind of miss no one else but you.


Of the major soybean provinces, the government reported that Buenos Aires was 55 percent planted (33 percent last year), Santa Fe was 63 percent planted (49 percent last year) and Cordoba was 69 percent planted (70 percent last year).


A positive correlation was found between the solar activity and NO3- concentration in recent 1500 years. A long-standing issue of the nature of the solar activity during the Maunder Minimum was solved. An about 36a cycle was found in the solar activity. Low solar activity and weak geomagnetic field were responsible for the 36Cl peak at about 37ka BP. Climate change recorded in this ice core lagged insolation about 4ka during the last glacial maximum, about 1ka during the last deglaciation, and nearly 0ka during the Holocene.δ18O record also suggests that the variation in temperature on the Tibetan Plateau had some similar features to that in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres during the last deglaciation to some extent, which indicate that the tropics maybe play an important role on global climate change.

揭示出近1500a来古里雅冰芯中NO3-浓度变化可以反映太阳活动的强弱变化;回答了长期争议的并直接关系到太阳发电机理论是否正确的Maunder极小期太阳活动特征问题;发现太阳活动可能存在36a左右的周期;证实了37kaBP左右古里雅冰芯记录中宇宙成因同位素36Cl含量峰值的存在,指出这一时期的宇宙成因同位素峰值事件具有全球性,弱的太阳活动和弱的地磁场是这一事件发生的原因所在;揭示出古里雅冰芯记录到的"8.2ka BP事件",认为这一全球性事件发生的主要原因与弱的热盐环流和弱的太阳活动有关;发现古里雅冰芯记录的末次冰盛期和末次冰消期气候变化均在一定程度上滞后于太阳辐射变化,而全新世气候变化大致与太阳辐射变化同步;发现末次冰消期高原地区气候变化不仅具有北半球气候变化的某些特征,同时还具有南半球气候变化的某些特征,这说明热带地区可能对全球气候存在重要的影响。

Based on the project funded by Zhejiang Province Technology Foundation—"Development of Shoe Last CAD/CAM System and Shoe-last Carving Machine", the application design of shoe last NC system was carried on. Based on idea of modern design of open NC system, used general industry control person computer as hardware , domestic GT-400-SV multi-axis movement control card as control kernel, digital AC servo motor as driving components, the hardware platform of shoe last manufacturing were composed.


Sicken the mongness swing at i i beat show maker rule shake it shake it down i be the negro what a ha profa everybody come on we will be the shaker what'a crazy star so what everybody had enjoyed crazy wild look rock it in the sigh chilly women happy be the big down explaining the heart but super cheater baby baby come on you better rock with me i be the hasha blade for no what you may lay in XXX everybody scream XXX everybody dance i am the king of the swear or will you rock in dead cause when we in the place that we talk in shock in the world cause we will bullshit and speak makes it rocks in a city last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now yo wow wrong wanna a chair super negro wanna said hanging out man negro show will love some of a faggot you are murd when i dread to make a connect to yo babies dont try helicopter pipe-check we'll be smoking a cigar so as bad as sharper rocking down somebody everywhere of a party over there man sweetie homie sot all the danstroll mad all train the city cause we the best droll size the rockies to flat by a squash like a super star try to right up at the top whoever say no way, check it out the quality's down whoever like it or moaning out turning our stuff around should get down jungle fibre getting tie boogy night smoothy is looking for kill we'll be the one and the male we'll be the top place wrong place raping the world cause we would have top place now start the pub we'll be the hard too, shaking everybody what a tough shit bar man rocks for its tale beating me in the dance my moving XXX everybody dance i'll be the dance keep surprising everybody with a jet and never tell mine too, my thingy got to swing it with me you taking over your mind cause where the jackets were the baseline checking it hard cause we'll be the place sudden start bald day damn number rare yo, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come on damn number rare yo moving out yo swing twenty fold pop yo fly yo

使mongness 摇摆厌恶在i 我摔打展示制作商规则震动它震动它击倒 i 是黑人ha profa 大家进展我们将是振动器what'a 疯狂的星如此什么大家享受疯狂的狂放的神色晃动它在叹气冷颤的妇女愉快是大下来解释心脏但超级骗子婴孩婴孩进展您改善岩石与我 i 是hasha 刀片为没有什么您可以放置 XXX 大家尖叫 XXX 大家舞蹈我是发誓的国王或您晃动在死者的意志起因当我们在我们谈在震动在世界上的地方导致我们意志胡说和讲牌子它岩石在城市昨晚珠宝拯救了我的生命,即然所有您要昨晚珠宝拯救了我的生命, there's 党继续昨晚珠宝拯救了我的生命,现在是bergy 时间昨晚珠宝拯救了我的生命, there's 党继续现在 yo 哇错误要对椅子超级黑人要对前述垂悬在人黑人展示之外将爱一些faggot 您是murd 当我畏惧做a 连接对yo 婴孩不尝试直升机管子检查 we'll 抽雪茄至于坏象更加锋利晃动在某人到处党下在那供以人员糖果homie sot 所有danstroll 疯狂所有训练城市起因我们最佳滑稽可笑估量罗基斯对舱内甲板由南瓜象一次超级星尝试在右边在上面谁不说方式,检查它在quality's 之外下来谁喜欢或呻吟在扭转我们的材料之外如果得到在密林纤维下得到领带 boogy 夜 smoothy 寻找杀害 we'll 是那个和男性 we'll 是顶面地方错误地方强奸世界起因我们现在会安排顶面地方开始客栈 we'll 是坚硬的,震动大家坚韧shit 酒吧供以人员岩石为它的传说把我难住在舞蹈我行动的XXX 大家舞蹈 i'll 是舞蹈保留惊奇大家与喷气机并且从未告诉我的,我thingy 被得到对摇摆它与我您接收您的头脑起因夹克是基础线的地方检查它坚硬起因we'll 是地方突然的起动秃头天数字罕见的yo,呀,进展,进展,进展,进展数字罕见的yo 行动在yo 之外摇摆二十折叠流行音乐yo 飞行yo

The exhibition Last Supper/Last Words juxtaposes the film Last Supper with the new installation/performance Last Words.


Last week medium board piece quantity can have not release, much emptier both sides is relatively careful, from last week 5 go in light of situation, bibcock expression relatively grab an eye, short-term have the sign with sure look forward to, among them in inspect medium last week 5 strong harden, carry brace up medium board piece; And Sai Di medium last week 5 also behave active, rise 8.48%.


Based on aforementioned findings, the author disclosed China have gone through three wave of marketing since the open policy reform in the end of seventies in the last century: the first wave taken place from the end of seventies to the end of eighties of last century, during this period of time, enterprises commonly took a marketing tactics mix of unitary product, high gross-profit pricing, wholesale and information notification; the second wave happened from the end of eighties to the end of nineties in the last century, during the second wave, enterprises often took a marketing tactics mix of serialized products, medium gross profit pricing, regional distribution and advertisement on mass media; the third wave occurred from the end of nineties of last century to now, during the third wave, enterprises usually adopted a marketing tactics mix of segmented products, low gross profit pricing, outlet interception and tangible benefits promotion.


Based on aforementioned findings, the author disclosed China have gone through three wave of marketing since the open policy reform in the end of seventies in the last century: the fi rst wave taken place from the end of seventies to the end of eighties of last century, during this period of time, enterprises commonly took a marketing tactics mix of unitary product, high gross-profit pricing, wholesale and information notification; the second wave happened from the end of eighties to the end of nineties in the last century, during the second wave, enterprises often took a marketing tactics mix of serialized products, medium gross profit pricing, regional distribution and advertisement on mass media; the third wave occurred from the end of nineties of last century to now, during the third wave, enterprises usually adopted a marketing tactics mix of segmented products, low gross profit pricing, outlet interception and tangible benefits promotion.


Based on aforementioned findings, the author disclosed China have gone through three wave of marketing since the open policy reform in the end of seventies in the last century: the first wave taken place from the end of seventies to the end of eighties of last century, during this period of time, enterprises commonly took a marketing tactics mix of unitary product, high gross-profit pricing, wholesale and information notification; the second wave happened from the end of eighties to the end of nineties in the last century, during the second wave, enterprises often took a marketing tactics mix of serialized products, medium gross profit pricing, regional distribution and advertisement on mass media; the third wave occurred from the end of nineties of last century to now, during the third wave, enterprises usually adopted a marketing tactics mix of segmented products, low gross profit pricing, outlet interception and tangible benefits promotion.


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One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

KATHERINA. What is your sir, that you send for me?


This is the webpage of Centre for Bacterial Diversity and Identification, The University of Queensland.


China happy to be injected into the royal estate 100% stake in Beijing-assessed net 1.669 billion yuan, compared with consolidated net asset value of 944 million yuan book value, value-added rate of 130.25%.
