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与 last-ditch 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most species' populations were decline in last fifty years, especially since the last 1980's, the populations such as Alpine Musk Deer, Przewalski's Gazelle and Red Deer etc. declined dramatically;(5) Desertification and grassland degredation are obviously affected by climate change on macrographic scale, anthropogenic activities is an important driving role for desertification, herbing, land-development and urbanization have majority impact to biodiversity spatial pattern and its loss.


As in the books of Isaiah, Lamentations, and Ecclesiastes, the last verse in the Masoretic text is a repetition of the last verse but one.


As in the books of Isaiah, Lamentations, and Ecclesiastes, the last verse in the Masoretic text is a repetition of the last verse but one.


Rapid cell selected, regional, rows or columns: the mouse click to select the current cell; click the region to be selected first cell, and then drag the mouse to the last cell can be two selected region between; worksheet click the Select All button, you can select the current worksheet; hold down the Ctrl click or drag using the mouse, you can select multiple nonadjacent cells or regional; select a region first cell, hold down the Shift key click on the angle of regional cells, can be between the selected rectangular area; click the line number can be selected corresponding to the entire line; click out the corresponding label can be selected out of the whole; along its line number or a list of drag the mouse, or to select the first row or first column, hold down the Shift key to select the end of the row or column, you can select a number of adjacent rows or columns; first select the first row or first column, and then hold down the Ctrl key to select other non-adjacent rows or columns; If you want to increase or decrease in the activities of the cell area can be selected by holding down the Shift key click the lower right corner of the region the last cell, the cell activities and the click between the cells will become a rectangular area to select a new region.

快速选中单元格、区域、行或列:鼠标单击可以将当前单元格选中;单击待选中区域的第一个单元格,然后拖动鼠标至最后一个单元格,可以将两者之间的区域选中;单击工作表的全选按钮,可以将当前工作表选中;按住 Ctrl 单击或使用鼠标拖动,可以选中不相邻的多个单元格或区域;选中某区域的第一个单元格,按住 Shift 键单击区域对角的单元格,可以将两者之间的矩形区域选中;单击行号可将对应的整行选中;单击列标号可将对应的整列选中;沿行号或列表号拖动鼠标,或者先选中第一行或第一列,按住 Shift 键选中结束行或列,就可以选中相邻的多个行或列;先选中第一行或第一列,然后按住 Ctrl 键选中其他不相邻的行或列;如果您想增加或减少活动区域中的单元格,可以按住 Shift 键单击选中区域右下角的最后一个单元格,活动单元格和所单击的单元格之间的矩形区域就会成为新的选中区域。

Despite widespread complaints about "overinsurance," the amount people pay for health care out of their own pocket has risen substantially as a share of personal income over the last generation, and especially in the last decade.


B: Well, Maroon 5 definitely pranked me on my last night out with them. They ran on stage in their underwear during my last song!


By the comparison between archaeological stratigraphy, sediment characteristics of cultural layers and cultural interruptions, 46 ~(14)C chronological data of buried paleotrees and peat, the synthetical analysis of the distribution laws of sites, and the reference to the results from other scholars, we can see that there are 7 cultural interruptions in the three Gorges and 7 cultural interruptions in the Yangtze Delta. They are from the last stage of Chengbeixi Culture to the initial stage of Daxi Culture (7200~6000a BP)→the third stage of Guanmiaoshan Culture Style of Daxi Culture (5800~5500a BP)→the initial stage of Shangzhou Culture (4000~3500a BP )→the last stage of Shangzhou Culture (2500~2200a BP)→During the Song dynasty Culture (960-1276AD) During the Ming and Qing Culture (1368-1911AD) in the prehistorical and historical period in the three Gorges.

对长江三峡和长江三角洲考古遗址进行地层对比,考古遗址文化层和文化断层沉积特征、文化层的叠压关系、考古遗址淤砂和淤土层厚度、46处埋藏古树和39处泥炭的~(14)C年代统计数据和空间分布规律、文化遗址分布的时空变化规律等特征综合分析,发现长江三峡地区新石器时代到历史时期考古遗址地层中有7期文化断层:(1)城背溪文化末期到大溪文化初期(7200~6000a BP);(2)大溪文化关庙山类型三期(5800~5500a BP);(3)商周早期(4000~3500a BP);(4)商周晚期(2500~2200a BP);(5)宋代时期(960-1276AD):(6)明清时期(1368-1911AD);(7)近现代时期。

At last he came to three large volumes which Russell could recognize as the last surviving copy of Principia Mathematica.


Putback is a more specialized version of unget: It returns the last value read from the stream but takes an argument that must be the same as the one that was last read.

putback, unget 的更复杂的版本。它返回从流中读到的最后一个值,但接受最后一次读的同一实参。

The emergence of adult started to occur in the last ten days of May and would last to the first ten days of July, and then went into a stage of rampantly damaged to the bamboos. The adults could mate multi-time each other in all life except the dormancy.

卵和幼虫在横向上的聚集性强于其在纵向上的聚集性,而蛹和成虫在横向上的聚集性则明显弱于其在纵向上的聚集性,种群在0-3 m尺度内的分布没有明显规律性。

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One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

The spinsterish Beijing of old is having a facelift and the cityscape is changing daily.


The rights to property are the rights to contr...


I know from experience, in fact, that "in the midst of life we are in death," as the Book of Common Prayer says.
