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The9 second-quarter operating profit margin of 25%, last quarter was 26%, 15% for the same period last year.


Then we also understand why his last book, or one of his last, consists of three thoughts: the vanity of earthly things, self-accusation, and emphatic admonition to obey the immutable decrees of Providence.


MILAN - Adriano Galliani's post-game analysis: 'We are the only team in Europe that has made it to the quarter-finals for the last four years and we are the only semifinalist from last year that are still in the running.

米兰 加利亚尼在赛后分析:我们是唯一一只在过去四年连续打入1/4决赛的球队,我们也是去年四强中至今仅存的一只。

French Open semifinalist Stosur, herself back better than ever after a battle with the debilitating lyme disease, continues to underline her newfound Top 20 status: last week she beat Serena Williams on her way to the semis at Stanford and this week she beat Ana Ivanovic to reach the last eight at Los Angeles.


In a separate report on graduate school enrollment, released last week, the Council of Graduate Schools found that total international graduate enrollment increased 3 percent this fall, after rising 7 percent last year.


The player of the receiving side who served last shall stay in the same service court from where he served last.


The last mission of NMS Dacia was on 11 and 12 May 1944, during the evacuation of the last elements holding out near Sevastopol at Cape Kerson.


One such spot where our soldiers fought back, and repelled, the Chinese incursions was at Razang La near Chushul, in the Himalayan heights. On November 18, 1962, 114 soldiers of the 13th Kumaon fought till the last man, and last bullet, in sub-zero temperatures, to beat back the huge Chinese army. A grateful nation acknowledged their valour by posthumously conferring the Param Veer Chakra on Major Shaitan Singh.

就在这个地方,我国将士还击,被击退,中国侵略的地方在靠近Chushul的Razang La,有着喜马拉雅山的高度。1962年11月18日,在零下温度的天气里,为了打退庞大的中国军团,第13库蒙团的114名战士战斗到最后一个人,最后一颗子弹。

SHEILA: And that was about ten years ago and that was the last time it happened until last night.


The prize winner for islands and island nations is * Rosa Hilda Ramos of Puerto Rico . She is leading a movement to protest protect the last * smutch Las Cucharillas Marsh from factory pullution pollution . The wetland area is one of the last open spaces in * near San Juan's community of * Catano .

岛屿与岛屿国家的获奖者是波多黎各的Rosa Hilda Ramos,她领导了一场保护Las Cucharillas沼泽免受工厂污染的运动,这块湿地是靠近圣胡安Catano社区的最后的空地之一。

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One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

The spinsterish Beijing of old is having a facelift and the cityscape is changing daily.


The rights to property are the rights to contr...


I know from experience, in fact, that "in the midst of life we are in death," as the Book of Common Prayer says.
