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与 last-ditch 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Last He was the very last to leave the office.


Over the last year, you have acquired a certain level of confidence about your academic performance and you know that all that is left for your successful completion of the program is your last semester including comprehensive examinations, the Rotary capstone class and your Master thesis.


Last year, however, our look-through earnings did not grow at all but rather declined by 14%. To an extent, the decline was precipitated by two forces that I discussed in last year's report and that I warned you would have a negative effect on look-through earnings.

然而去年我们的透视盈余不但没有增加,反而减少了 14%,这样的下滑主要导源于去年年报就曾经向各位提过的两项因素,那时我就曾经警告各位那对我们的透视盈余将会有负面的影响。

Podium result there and last year Loris fought for victory until the last lap

一次两位车手都站上颁奖台,而去年 Loris 为求胜奋斗到最后一圈,在

The Manville Trust had more new claims last year than in any year – and the company last mined and sold asbestos 35 years ago.

Manville 个人伤害赔偿信托基金,是在 Johns Manville 破产之后,从原来的营业单位中提拨一定的资金而成立的,后来 Berkshire 买下其营业单位,至於这些基金则转为信托以支付石绵案赔偿,结果该基金去年实际赔偿的件数创下新高,而该公司最后一次出售石绵产品已经是35年前的事了。

Last Questions On Traning A: Well, this is your last day of training, Margarite.

最后的问题 A:好了,今天是你培训的最后一天,玛格丽达。

The Easter week follows the last week of his life, from the joyful crowning on Palm Sunday to the betrayal of Maundy Thursday, evil and death's triumph on Good Friday until Life at last defeats Death on the morning of Easter Sunday.


She is not in the washroom and then stopping, because it is finally his own point of view that he cares about and not hers, and with this firmly in mind, and a light, confident step, such as you might find in the works of Bulwer-Lytton, he enters the space she occupies so prettily and, taking her by the hand, proceeds to tear off the stiff white hospital gown (but no, we cannot have that kind of pornographic merde in this majestic and high-minded sentence, which will probably end up in the Library of Congress)(that was just something that took place inside his consciousness, as he looked at her, and since we know that consciousness is always consciousness of something, she is not entirely without responsibility in the matter) so, then, taking her by the hand, he falls into the stupendous white puree of her abyss, no, I mean rather that he asks her how long it has been since her last visit, and she says a fortnight, and he shudders, and tells her that with a condition like hers (she is an immensely popular soldier, and her troops win all their battles by pretending to be forests, the enemy discovering, at the last moment, that those trees they have eaten their lunch under have eyes and swords)(which reminds me of the performance, in 1845, of Robert-Houdin, called The Fantastic Orange Tree, wherein Robert-Houdin borrowed a lady's handkerchief, rubbed it between his hands and passed it into the center of an egg, after which he passed the egg into the center of a lemon, after which he passed the lemon into the center of an orange, then pressed the orange between his hands, making it smaller and smaller, until only a powder remained, whereupon he asked for a small potted orange tree and sprinkled the powder thereupon, upon which the tree burst into blossom, the blossoms turning into oranges, the oranges turning into butterflies, and the butterflies turning into beautiful young ladies, who then married members of the audience), a condition so damaging to real-time social intercourse of any kind, the best thing she can do is give up, and lay down her arms, and he will lie down in them, and together they will permit themselves a bit of the old slap and tickle, she wearing only her Mr.


She is not in the washroom and then stopping, because it is finally his own point of view that he cares about and not hers, and with this firmly in mind, and a light, confident step, such as you might find in the works of Bulwer-Lytton, he enters the space she occupies so prettily and, taking her by the hand, proceeds to tear off the stiff white hospital gown (but no, we cannot h39e that kind of pornographic merde in this majestic and high-minded sentence, which will probably end up in the Library of Congress)(that was just something that took place inside his consciousness, as he looked at her, and since we know that consciousness is always consciousness of something, she is not entirely without responsibility in the matter) so, then, taking her by the hand, he falls into the stupendous white puree of her abyss, no, I mean rather that he asks her how long it has been since her last visit, and she says a fortnight, and he shudders, and tells her that with a condition like hers (she is an immensely popular soldier, and her troops win all their battles by pretending to be forests, the enemy discovering, at the last moment, that those trees they h39e eaten their lunch under h39e eyes and swords)(which reminds me of the performance, in 1845, of Robert-Houdin, called The Fantastic Orange Tree, wherein Robert-Houdin borrowed a lady's handkerchief, rubbed it between his hands and passed it into the center of an egg, after which he passed the egg into the center of a lemon, after which he passed the lemon into the center of an orange, then pressed the orange between his hands, making it 56aller and 56aller, until only a powder remained, whereupon he asked for a 56all potted orange tree and sprinkled the powder thereupon, upon which the tree burst into blossom, the blossoms turning into oranges, the oranges turning into butterflies, and the butterflies turning into beautiful young ladies, who then married members of the audience), a condition so damaging to real-time social intercourse of any kind, the best thing she can do is give up, and lay down her arms, and he will lie down in them, and together they will permit themselves a bit of the old slap and tickle, she wearing only her Mr.


His last word," Merryman recalled,"was that he had just taken his last glider ride, they could shoot him and put him in one, but that would be the only way.


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One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

The spinsterish Beijing of old is having a facelift and the cityscape is changing daily.


The rights to property are the rights to contr...


I know from experience, in fact, that "in the midst of life we are in death," as the Book of Common Prayer says.
