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Last year the rate of death was 2%, compared with 5% the year before last.


The result shows that: The variation rhythm of the sensitivity index changed unanimously for Jensen,Blank and Stewart water production functions of spring wheat in Liangzhou city,the volume is small in the former stage,then become large at the middle stage,and less at the last stage. Jensen and Stewart water production functions are better of spring wheat in Gulang County in 1987-1989. The Variation rhythm of water deficiency sensitive index is unanimous: the volume are small at first,then large at middle,and diminish at last. The Variation rhythm of water deficiency sensitive index is unanimous in Jensen,Blank and Minhas of flax in Liangzhou county in 1987-1989. The water deficiency sensitive index in Gulang district in 1987-1989 models bad,are too many minus.

结果表明:1985-1986 年凉州春小麦Jensen 模型、Blank 模型和Stewart 模型的敏感指数变化规律接近一致,在前期较小,中期增大,最后再减小。1987-1989 年古浪春小麦水分生产函数以Jensen 模型和Stewart 模型拟合较好,其敏感指数变化规律比较一致,敏感指标值前期较小,中期增大,后期又减小。1983-1985 年凉州亚麻水分生产函数以Jensen 模型、Blank 模型和Minhas 模型敏感指标值变化规律比较一致:先减小,后增大,最后再减小。1987-1989 古浪亚麻敏感指数出现负值较多,模型拟合较差。

The result shows that: The variation rhythm of the sensitivity index changed unanimously for Jensen,Blank and Stewart water production functions of spring wheat in Liangzhou city,the volume is small in the former stage,then become large at the middle stage,and less at the last stage. Jensen and Stewart water production functions are better of spring wheat in Gulang County in 1987-1989. The Variation rhythm of water deficiency sensitive index is unanimous: the volume are small at first,then large at middle,and diminish at last. The Variation rhythm of water deficiency sensitive index is unanimous in Jensen,Blank and Minhas of flax in Liangzhou county in 1987-1989. The water deficiency sensitive index in Gulang district in 1987-1989 models bad,are too many minus. 3 Establishing the non-linear model to definitive the irrigation quota and dimension of single crop,according the three prototype Precipitation,allocating the limited water optimally according to full water supply,95 percent,75 percent and 50 percent. Economy benefit is the biggest aim function,so getting three groups for irrigation quota,irrigation dimension and benefit,the biggest benefit is the most optimal result.

结果表明:1985-1986 年凉州春小麦Jensen 模型、Bl(来源:10a1ABC论文网www.abclunwen.com)ank 模型和Stewart 模型的敏感指数变化规律接近一致,在前期较小,中期增大,最后再减小。1987-1989 年古浪春小麦水分生产函数以Jensen 模型和Stewart 模型拟合较好,其敏感指数变化规律比较一致,敏感指标值前期较小,中期增大,后期又减小。1983-1985 年凉州亚麻水分生产函数以Jensen 模型、Blank 模型和Minhas 模型敏感指标值变化规律比较一致:先减小,后增大,最后再减小。1987-1989 古浪亚麻敏感指数出现负值较多,模型拟合较差。3 建立单作物种植条件下灌溉定额与灌溉面积的确定的非线性规划模型,将有限的水量按照充分供水,95%、75%和50%供水来分配水资源,以经济效益最大为目标函数,得出三组灌区灌溉面积和效益结果,其中以效益最大为最优解。

The project team has taken loess, lacustrine and peat sediments and tree ring as the research carrier, a systematic study has been carried on the warm phases of the different period (60-25 ka, last deglaciation, Holocene, the recent e few hundred years) and the last interglaciation on the basis of the extensive field investigation and laboratory analysis.


Furthermore, the east Asian monsoon climatic instability during the last deglaciation has been discussed. The significant variability within monsoon precipitation events during the last deglaciation event or even Younger Dryas id related to the interaction between cold air mass from the Siberian-Mongolian high pressure zone with warm, humid air masses from the ocean.


Three preliminary conclusions could be approached as follows:(1) SST changes were distinctively characteristic of stepwise fluctuations. A warming trend during the last deglaciation was punctuated by a slightly cooling event which corresponded to the Younger Dryas. The Holocene episode could be divided into three phases of warming, continuously high temperature and cooling.(2) Two remarkable cooling records were documented around 4 kaBP and 1.5 kaBP after the megathermal of the Holocene.(3) Comparison between time series of MD05-2904 diatom R SST index and stalagmite δ^18O results from Dongge Cave, Guizhou Province suggested that changes in the East Asian Monsoon climate is synchronous with variations in the SST in the northern SCS since the last deglaciation and they might have a close correlation with each other

结果表明:(1)南海北部15 kaBP以来表层海水温度呈现明显的阶段性波动特点,即末次冰消期气候转暖过程中,12.9~11.5 kaBP前后温度略有下降,与新仙女木事件对应,全新世南海北部气候依次经历了升温期、高温期和降温期3个变化阶段;(2)全新世大暖期鼎盛期结束后,南海北部海水温度阶段下降,两次明显降温分别发生于4 kaBP前后和1.5 kaBP前后;(3) MD05-2904孔硅藻R值时间序列曲线与董哥洞D4石笋δ^18O曲线对比表明,南海北部表层海水温度变化与末次冰消期以来东亚季风强度变化关系较为密切。

For administrative good website, he is in even demit will drop the job last year in November, create a company formally last month.


It is the key period for the steppe community to dewfall from the last ten days in July to the last ten days in August, and the community's dew-fall rate often reach biggest around mid-August; Dew amount in community out of resumed community sample plot requires steam resource for first; Dew amount in resumed community sample plot requires low temperature for first; While dew amount in new resumed


Not my game that I go out there and die for and play every game last it's my last but we're talking about Brooks man.


I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice. Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game last it's my last but we're talking about practice man. How silly is that?


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One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

KATHERINA. What is your sir, that you send for me?


This is the webpage of Centre for Bacterial Diversity and Identification, The University of Queensland.


China happy to be injected into the royal estate 100% stake in Beijing-assessed net 1.669 billion yuan, compared with consolidated net asset value of 944 million yuan book value, value-added rate of 130.25%.
