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Few would disagree that our season hasn't exactly gone to plan, and following last year's barnstorming late push for the title, fans can be forgiven for being disappointed, despondent or just generally p*ssed off about our performances over the last few months.


This is our last city, our last bastion against our enemies.


The Mexican Army carried out operations last week on the western end of the border in the city of T where soldiers and federal police engaged in a three hours gun battel last Thursday that ended with the death of one gunman and wounding 4 police officers.


The A's last season finished dead last in the majors, with a .242 team batting average.


I'll be the last to close, the last to close my eyes


SINCE the fractious negotiations that produced a last-minute "accord" at the Copenhagen climate-change meeting last year, those in and out of government who concern themselves with climate policy have been in a state of some befuddlement.


Under the sandwichbell lay on a bier of bread one last, one lonely, last sardine of summer.


What did you feel during your last dance in Blackpool, knowing that this was your last competitive dance?


When we told them how we plac'd our selves, and the Horses in the Middle, they blam'd us exceedingly, and told us it was fifty to one but we had been all destroy'd; for it was the Sight of the Horses which made the Wolves so furious, Seeing their Prey; and that at other Times they are really afraid of a Gun; but the being excessive Hungry, and raging on that Account, the Eagerness to come at the Horses had made them sensless of Danger; and that if we had not by the continu'd Fire, and at last by the Stratagem of the Train of Powder, master'd them, it had been great Odds but that we had been torn to Pieces; whereas had we been content to have sat still on Horseback, and fir'd as Horsemen, they would not have taken the Horses for so much their own, when Men were on their Backs, as otherwise; and withal they told us, that at last, if we had stood altogether, and left our Horses, they would have been so eager to have devour'd them, that we might have come off safe, especially having our Fire Arms in our Hands, and being so many in Number.


In Italy, to see Michelangelo's "Last Judgment," Leonardo's "Last Supper" and Botticelli's "Birth of Venus," it will cost you about $50; but in London, seeing the Tate Gallery, British Museum, and National Gallery won't cost you a pence.

在意大利,你可以看到米开朗基罗的"最后的审判",达芬奇的"最后的晚餐"以及波提切利的"维纳斯的诞生",这些会花费你50 美元,可是当伦敦皇家艾伯特音乐厅的坐票卖完了,你可以买站票。

第13/100页 首页 < ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ... > 尾页
One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

KATHERINA. What is your sir, that you send for me?


This is the webpage of Centre for Bacterial Diversity and Identification, The University of Queensland.


China happy to be injected into the royal estate 100% stake in Beijing-assessed net 1.669 billion yuan, compared with consolidated net asset value of 944 million yuan book value, value-added rate of 130.25%.
