英语人>网络例句>lag regression 相关的网络例句
lag regression相关的网络例句

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与 lag regression 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Unitary linear regression is done between w~e、 w~ρ、 e~ρ、w_L~w_P. For α_v 、 C_ c between w、ρ、 e、 w_P in eastern China, unitary linear regression is done to silty clay as well as multivariant regression with coefficient iteration method and least-squares procedure are done to all kinds of soil, and the two results are compared. Unitary linear regression and multivariant regression are done to c_q、φ、 c_d、φ_d between e and I_P. Unitary linear regression and multivariant linear regression are done to napierian logarithm of q_u between e 、 I_L、 w_P and w_L, then the equations of regression are checked with other parameters.


Topics covered by this course are:(1) Simple linear regression,(2) Inference based on fitted regression model,(3) prediction based on fitted regression model,(4) Application of simple linear regression,(5) Verification of regression assumption,(6) Multiple regression,(7) Qualitative independent variables,(8) Multicollinearity, and (9) Stepwise regression.


The instructive conclusion was: 1 under the vertical loading, the shear-lag effect was produced badly, more severer under concentrated loading than under uniform loading .2 the longitudinal bending deformation of the beam flange was true of the imitating plane assumption of deformation . 3 the width length ratio was confirmed as the first factor working on the shear-lag effect among all the geometric parameters;4 the shear-lag coefficient of simple-supported box-girder was severer than the continuous box-girder, the shear-lag effect in the inner supported section of continuous beam was much more severer, we need paying more attention for it in designing. 5 the non-liner characteristics of material deformation have littlie influence on shear-lag effect in BGCW. 6 the experiential calculating formulation and calculating diagram for the effective flange width was raised with the only factor of the width-span ratio., but the primary location of axis of bending moments should not be changed while calculating the inertial moment .


1Niche construction can lead to stable coexistence of diverse genotypes in spatially structured population, which supports a stable polymorphism even without heterozygote superiority.(2)With habitat deterioration, niche construction accelerates the formation of steady polymorphism and hence impedes the harmful influences of environment on the population, which might embody a life-history strategy of organism under the unfavorable environment.(3)Niche construction results in the coexistence with alternative polymorphism through genotype-environment feedback and limited gene flow.(4)The niche-constructing organism is an active force to alter its environment and hence the direction of natural selection in order to better survival.(5)Spatial dynamics and distribution pattern of metapopulation are profoundly influenced by time-lagged niche construction.(6)Metapopulation size can reach a fixed level in the recency effect and equal weighting of time lag but is statistical stability in primacy effect, which implies the primacy effect is most remarkable.(7)The increment in the relative weightingof each generation\' niche construction and the length of time lag are significant factors for system destabilization.(8)Moderate capacity of positive niche construction benefits the metapopulation persistence.(9)The narrowing of niche breadth can decrease the metapopulation size and thereby increase the extinction risk.(10)The coupled function of time lag and niche construction make the system oscillation and generate the spiral wave, spiral-broken and circular wave in heterogeneous habitat.The spatial distributions of metapopulation and resource content are complementary due to a phase lag of their both frequencies.(12)Metapopulation persistence with niche construction depends not only on the balance between colonization and extinction, but also on the balance between the ability of niche construction and natural dissipation of habitat.(13)Metapopula-tion can survive under certain condition when the percent of suitable patches in habitat is lower than the ration of extinction to colonization.(14)Two thresholds exist in the process of transition of habitat quality dynamics from unsuitable to suitable, which include the intensity of niche construction and the initial condition of system.(15)Metapopulation size is positive correlated with the ability of positive niche construction, which means that organism or population who has strongly positive influences on their environment plays an important role to maintain the available habitat.


The RRs of symptoms decreased gradually after the accident day(lag 1~5d). The RRs of breathe hard, ocular acerbity, lachrymation and temper oppression returned to normal level on the lag 3d; the RRs of cough, phlegm, throat desiccation and nonnasality saline and sternutation returned to normal level on the lag 4d; the RR of snivel returned to normal on the lag 5d.


The invention discloses a method and device for acquiring environment data collecting in honeycomb traveling carriage localizing system and GPS, A-GPS, the collecting device comprises collecting unit with time lag distribution power which connects with honeycomb traveling carriage receiver and GPS receiver, power time lag distribution pretreating unit, environment data extraction unit and managing unit; the method includes: determining the type of input data, gathered power time lag distribution, power time lag distribution pretreating, environment data extracting and synthesizing.


The contents from the third chapter to the fifth chapter are the kernels which are a series of applications of generalized regression model and generalized regression estimator. At first, this paper constructs ratio model, linear regression model, post-stratified regression model and nonparametric regression model through different regressive relationship between auxiliary variable and study variable.


Multiple linear regression is the simplest way to build the relationship between the several explanatory variables and response variable. However, MLR often causes the estimated regression coefficients unstable or even unaccessible when the number of explanatory variables is more than that of objects. Especially, the explanatory variables are highly intercorrelated which called multi-collinear data. Therefore, many methods have been developed to analyze multi-collinear data, such as variable selection methods, ridge regression, principal components regression and partial least squares regression.


This course provides:Simple linear regression and correlation,Measures of model adequacy,Multiple regression,Polynomial regression models,Variable selection and model building,Multicollinearity and Topics in the use of regression analysis.


On the other hand, partial Least Square Regression which is called the second generation regression method has got good result in handling the multicollinearity in multilinear regression;But under some circumstances the result of such a regression is not satisfactory.


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Jet Lag
Lag Time
For Heaven's Sake
Ye Auld Triangle
Dagga Puff
Jet Lag
Anne Claire
The Auld Triangle
Fuck Reality

All things being equal, I prefer not to be bouncing off the walls.


It's true, the GTR demonstrated that E most definitely doesn't equal MC squared. How else can a car with 1700KG appear to be so lithe and nimble, so fast and manoeuvrable?

还真别不信, GTR带着1700公斤的车重,却有如此灵活敏锐梦幻般的操控表现似乎在跟爱因斯坦争论着E根本不等于MC的平方。

When pulverized coal dust at the MEC was dispersed in an entry, a cap lamp 10-feet within the cloud was not visible to observers standing in front of the dispersed dust.
