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与 ladder 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The apoptosis was evaluated by AQ-stained fluorescin, DNA ladder by gel electrophoresis and subdiploidy by propidium iodide-stained flow cytometry. The level of lipid peroxide under KI treatment was determined by measuring the production of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances.


The Gateman gives it the follower to move to a ladder for ascend heaven, be go toward to living western and clean soil kindheartedness to the behavior plan, to strive for peace for the world, to is a people of this world the positive mindset, Fu be crafty evil, go to for the line way in day, to do dedication more for the way of Mahayana.


They are:In the third chapter, the crystal structures of these new dca complexes are described anddiscussed in detail. Besides two mononuclear complexes, 1 and 2, complexes 3~15 arecoordination polymer with novel and interesting structural characteristics. 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 are 1Dpolymers, 4 and 5 are of 2D extending structure, while 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 form thefirstly reported series heteronuclear dca coordination polymer, in which (except 10) differentbuilding blocks, with different metal ions in them, construct interesting architecture, like α-and β-type 〓 chains, ladder chain 〓, scaffold structure of 12, and "sandwich"layer structure in 15 and 16, etc..


When human histiocytic lymphoma cell line, U937 cells, was treated with cadmium for 12 hours, evidence of apoptotic features, including change in nuclear morphology, DNA fragmentation, formation of DNA ladder in agarose gel electrophoresis, and phosphatidylserine externalization, were obtained.


Or, as an adolescent on the new Earth, he has his first shy love affairs with Ayl, Lll, and Mrs. Vhd Vhd; climbs up to the moon on a ladder as it looms hypnotically bright over him; watches the planet flood with its first color as an atmosphere forms; migrates as an adventurous young vertebrate from sea to land; or wanders the deserted plateaus as the last, lonely dinosaur, desperately wanting to belong.

后来,作为新诞生的地球上的一个青年,他有了同Ayl, Lll,和Vhd Vhd夫人的羞涩的初恋;当一架梯子出现在他梦里的时候,他顺着它爬到了月亮上;他观察地球上的洪水,以及由此形成的地球大气的第一道色彩;作为一个有冒险精神的年轻脊椎动物,他从海里移民到陆地上;作为一条最后的孤独的恐龙,他漫步在荒芜寂静的高原上,拼命的寻找自己的归属。

Order of discontinuity ladder gradient separation: The nature school DNA separation purification conventional routes are use the gold to manage the CsCl idiomorphic to become the gradient balanced equilibrium density centrifuge process, the offcenter starts when the gold manage the CsCl density to be homogeneous, sample uniform distribution in which.


Then the arterile eminted intertubular capillaries and peritubular capillaries forming rope-ladder-like pattems.

巧1;1{性农i返_微1111扮通透性从3周龄至3月龄'l'增人趋势,12月龄到24月龄纤微l阳粉通透性:,减小趋仑 5。

Typical characteristics of apoptotic cells as membrane blebbing, chromatin pyknosis, karyorrhexis, and apoptotic body were seen under electromicroscope. Apoptosisspecific DNA ladder bands from SGC-7901 cells were visualized with electrophoresis. Hypodiploid apoptotic peak was observed before G1 phase by flow cytometry analysis.


Laddering is an investment strategy where investors structure their CDs or bonds to mature at regular intervals which are evenly spaced, such as rungs on a ladder .


The increase in the methylene resonance signal intensity which reflects the alterations in membrane lipids and accordingly in the biophysical and biochemical characteristics of cell membrane during apoptosis was found to be closely associated with nuclear changes as detected by DNA laddering assay and the TUNEL procedure.

在用烟酰胺处理的烟草细胞中,亚甲基信号强度的增加与DNA Ladder几乎同时出现,随诱导时间的延长,亚甲基信号强度也逐渐增大,在24 h亚甲基信号强度增加约2倍。

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Honky's Ladder
Ladder In My Tights
The Ladder
Jacob's Ladder
Endless Ladder
Up The Ladder To The Roof
Climbin' The Ladder And Climbin' The Wall
Ladder Song
Jacob's Ladder
Jacob's Ladder

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
