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与 labor 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Marx philosophy, on the one hand, from the viewpoint of difference between man and nature, category of labor is the essence of human being or free conscious activities, consequently ,labor of people are inherency ;On the other hand ,from the viewpoint of the relation between human and nature, labor has the characteristic of externalism, namely individual takes labor as the method which makes a living, and does not regards the labor itself as the goal or the essence of him, thus labor is also external in individual ,this is the meaning of labor externalism .It has manifested human's natural attribute .


It has manifested human\'s natural attribute .The unification of inherency and externalism of labor, namely the two-dimensional structure of labor, showing the contradiction of labor itself, that is the basic connotation of labor category in Marx philosophy.The category of labor which is in the central position in Marx philosophy, is the framework of historical materialism founded by Marx.


In Marx philosophy, on the one hand, from the viewpoint of difference between man and nature, category of labor is the essence of human being or free conscious activities, consequently ,labor of people are inherency ;On the other hand ,from the viewpoint of the relation between human and nature, labor has the characteristic of externalism, namely individual takes labor as the method which makes a living, and does not regards the labor itself as the goal or the essence of him, thus labor is also external in individual ,this is the meaning of labor externalism .


Through the analysis, the paper reaches the following basic conclusions: The quantity of Chaoyang district"s transient population will increase continuously, residential period will prolong gradually and renting house will still be the major residential way of transient population; transient population play a positive role in the district"s socioeconomic development, but on the other side they make city infrastructures more difficult to bear the existent heavy burden, difficulty in city management is increased; transient labor force mainly undertake the supplementary role of the district labor force, but along with the open of the labor force market step by step and the further improving of the quality of transient labor force, the competition between transient labor force and local labor force tends to be intense; the current management policy of transient population in Beijing exists some problems, which stresses management and makes light of service, stresses duties and makes light of rights and interests, stresses planning and makes light of market, stresses outside and makes light of inside, but the policy is tending to the developing direction that is helpful for transient population to flow.


We must understand that, along with development of science-technology and growth of labor productivity, the factors consisted in labor process are constantly diversified, and the category of labor had outstretch from the labor of producing material goods to include theservice labor that provides service goods, the science-technological labor that renovates techniques or knowledge, and the managerial labor.

中篇 劳动与价值简要地回顾一下劳动价值论的发展历史,我们可以看出,马克思的劳动价值论较之以往的理论有了更科学的理论基础和丰富的现实材料,这就是马克思劳动价值论的三块理论基石和资本主义商品经济的充分发展。因此,本文认为,马克思对劳动价值论的贡献不仅在于科学地区分了价值和使用价值的概念并赋予其科学的含义,同时分析了商品的二重属性正是来源于劳动的二重性,并把劳动价值论建立在劳动本质论、劳动二重性理论和劳动形态理论基础之上,使得劳动价值论有了坚实的理论基础。

The precondition and key point to solve the problems occurred in the labor market in the Yangtze River Delta is to repair the adjustment function of the market system, that is the competition system, the price system, the supply and demand system and etc., to the labor market, clamp down those census registration administration system and relative labor system which have a character of discriminational color and identity difference, dredge the labor force circulation channel, eliminate the systematic system caused by the segmentation of the labor market step by step and set up an unified and more flexible labor market.


So called "likely is" is for under the seriously restricted condition of simple labor and commodity exchange in the early days, both sides know about the approximate labor amount needed for producing the article for exchanging, so it is relatively easy to realize the equate labor exchange; So called "likely not" is for in the process of developed and complicated commodity exchange, it is very difficult for the dealers to compute the labor amount that includes in the article of other side, so the principle of equate labor exchange actually does not inheres the meaning that prevalently use, the comparing interests principle can be the principle that prevalently use, but the equate labor exchange principle just is a kind of special example of comparing interests principle.


Lukacs considered that Aristotle distinguishes thinking and production in the process of labor, the former setting up the aim of labor and seeking the means to realize the aim, the latter carrying the aim out. Aristotle's labor theory has included the potentiality of distinguishing causality and intention. Later, Hartman reifies Aristotle's labor theory, but he doesn't transcend Aristotle. Hegel takes the process of labor as the process for the object's causality and mechanism submitting to the subject's aim, illuminates the unification of these nature of labor.


Set of labor safety shoes, eye wash device, labor work cap, labor safety helmets, Labor Safety glasses goggles, face shields face screen, anti-virus and a half mask, a comprehensive anti-virus tools, self-help-style escape respirator, filter cotton filter box, dust masks, ear plugs earmuffs, labor clothes , Anti-falling supplies, work gloves, apron, raincoat, sleeve, washing supplies, security tag, fire-fighting equipment, testing equipment, life-saving equipment and so on labor safety and protection of supplies as a whole, the product range, quality assurance, to provide you with from beginning to the feet fully protected.


China has also become a major producer of labor-intensive manufactured goods in the world.


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