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与 labor 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Part I, in order to make dear of the basis of the construction of reeducation through labor according to low, the couther first identity the character of this system On the base of fully demonstrating its character and extension the author divide it into two parts: administrative reeducation through labor and penal reeducation through labor.


Under the "Labor Contract Law," the fifty-eighth Article: labor dispatching units and the dispatch of workers should be made at least two years of fixed-term labor contract, paid monthly remuneration; was dispatched workers without work, services the dispatch of units should be the location of People's Government in accordance with the provisions of the minimum wage standards, to be paid monthly.


Article eight of employing units should be based on minor health workers to check the results of the organization of its labor force engaged in the fit of the original should not competent labor positions, should be based on proof of the Medical Department, reduced the amount of labor or other work arrangements.


In the academic circle of political economics, it has been a controversy whether services has value. And now another problem has been raised-on the one hand, the value of labor in services is admitted, while on the other hand, the value of labor in business and bank is denied-which breaks the consistency of the value of service labor in the "political economics" system.


This article mainly analyses the present situation of the injuries to farmer workers" rights and interests of labor and holds that many-faceted reasons attribute to the injuries to farmer workers" rights and interests of labor. Firstly, city and countryside dual division system which takes the household register system as its foundation is the basic systematic reason which causes injuries to farmer workers rights and interests of labor and therefore this unreasonable system must be changed.


Candidate application form Date To apply for positions: Name: Date of birth: photos Sex: Marital Status: Place of residence: ID number: Graduated from colleges and professional time: Whether on-the-job: salary expectations: The experience of the project (each project in order to please one or two brief general statement)---------------------------------- The following evaluation by the staff to fill ---------------------------------- The level of work skills and values Role of communication to express BEI knowledge Personal characteristics of the panel discussion Other incentives point Evaluation Officer signature: the project manager signature: Staff cards Labor contracts: Date of birth names of the sex photos Account the political outlook of origin Marital history of the disease situation of children The social security situation in the case file Contact Current address E-mail Education and professional experience of time the name of the school Name time work experience job description of duties Family background (a principal member of the family) name of the workplace relations telephone address is I solemnly promise: more than fill in the project are real, if not actual projects, according to the labor contract the twenty-second paragraph I and labor contracts, the company does not require compensation.

应聘申请表年月日申请职位:姓名:出生年月:照片性别:婚否:居住地:身份证号码:毕业院校及时间专业:目前是否在职:期望薪资税后):项目经验(每一项目请以一至两句话简要概括)----------------------------------以下由测评人员填写----------------------------------价值观工作技能水平角色定位沟通表达知识 BEI 个人特征小组讨论激励点其他测评官签字:项目经理签字:员工资料卡劳动合同号:姓名性别出生年月照片政治面貌籍贯户口婚否子女情况疾病史社保情况档案情况联系方式现住址电子邮箱教育经历时间学校名称专业工作经历单位名称时间职位职责描述家庭背景名称关系工作单位联系电话现住址本人郑重承诺:以上填写项目均属实,如有不实项目,请按照劳动合同第二十二条与我解除劳动合同,不要求公司赔偿。

This paper on China's surplus rural labor transfer of the new problems and their causes, at this stage, restricting the transfer of rural surplus labor force analysis of the factors studied China's rural labor transfer and institutional, policy and economic and social development of mutual relations, reviewed the reform and opening


Methods:Investigation group included sixty parturient nulliparas used ambulatory labor analgesia from active phase of labor.Control group included sixty parturient nulliparas without use of ambulatory labor analgesia.


We re-estimate, compare and analyze China's surplus rural labor by means of labor-hour conversion method and standard structural method. Taking economic cycle fluctuation into account, we also investigate the essential reasons for the coexistence of migrant workers' shortage and agricultural labor's surplus.


Equilibrium Wage - The wage in the labor market where labor supply is equal to labor demand and the market clears.


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Labor Day (It's A Holiday)
Labor Of Love
Slave Labor
They're Tearin' The Labor Camps Down
Labor Of Love
Fruits Of My Labor
Labor Of Love
Labor Of Love
Re-Education (Through Labor)

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
