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与 labor 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Congress failed to act on this proposal. But its lack of action did not stop the rise of a labor organization that had been formed a few years earlier. The group soon would become the most important labor union in the United States. It was the American Federation of Labor, or A.F.L.

国会未能就总统的这项建议有所作为,但国会的不作为并不能阻止几年前成立的一个劳工组织的兴起,这个劳工组织很快就成为美国最重要的工会组织,这个工会组织就是美国劳工联合会(the American Federation of Labor,简称A.F.L),美国劳工联合会由塞缪尔。

The lip -- labium, from labor -- laps or lapses from the sides of the cavernous mouth.

唇——字源 labium ,大约是从 labor化出来的——便是在口腔的上下两边叠着悬垂着的。

Bonded labor refers to the phenomenon of working in conditions of servitude in order to pay off a debt. Supplier's hiring practices, and those of any labor recruiters, should prohibit forced or bonded labor. The Supplier should establish a written set of instructions for all subcontractors and labor recruiters that prohibit forced labor. The supplier should have a method to actively verify compliance with these requirements.

理解:不能暴力使用雇员,不能使用监狱工,契约工,bonded labor可以理解为以偿还债务为目的的雇员,雇员政策及招聘应该禁止暴力以及bonded labor,公司应该建立一个书面的程序来建议供应商以及他们的招聘政策禁止暴力使用雇员,同时公司应该有一个有效的方法来确认操作过程的符合性。

"I very much welcome any process that can advance peace between us and our neighbors, first and foremost with Syria," said Eitan Kabel, secretary-general of the Labor Party, which is in the government with Mr. Olmert's Kadima party."I very much hope this isn't some sort of spin whose goal is pull screen over the situation that the prime minister is in."

&我欢迎一切有助于同邻国和平发展的事物,尤其重视同叙利亚和平共处& Olmert领导的Kadima party的盟友,Labor Party秘书长 Eitan Kabel批评上述言论:&我不希望这是那些意图贬低总理当前所处形式的人所杜撰出来的。&

"I very much welcome any process that can advance peace between us and our neighbors, first and foremost with Syria," said Eitan Kabel, secretary-general of the Labor Party, which is in the government with Mr. Olmert's Kadima party." I very much hope this isn't some sort of spin whose goal is pull screen over the situation that the prime minister is in."

&我欢迎一切有助于同邻国和平发展的事物,尤其重视同叙利亚和平共处& Olmert领导的Kadima party的盟友,Labor Party秘书长 Eitan Kabel批评上述言论:我希望这次的和谈不是某种形式的周旋,其目的是在于改变前总理在位时的状况。

ART LABOR Gallery invites you to an fabulous new installation of chandelier, paravent, carpet and wallpaper by artist Chen Hangfeng, along with other works on paper.

ART LABOR画廊诚意奉上08'岁末重头戏:艺术家陈航峰的特定场所装置作品展。这件由一个特殊的吊灯、榆木屏风、地毯和墙纸装置,以及中国传统工艺剪纸等构成的作品,将以游戏的方式将日常用品和奢侈品的本质颠倒并混合。

The series of exhibitions selected-"Takao labor—industrial Kaohsiung"-are the most controversial and interactive one that represent the local color of Kaohsiung as the beginning of this creative research.

策展:『黑手打狗?工业高雄(Takao labor-industrial Kaohsiung)』做为思辩的起点,剖析论述高雄艺术在当代前卫思潮中的主体性开展与扩张。

The savings in the tile will more than make up for the additional labor charge.


Department of Labor wowing a recruiter during a job interview is even more crucial.

Department of Labor最新的公司招聘及人才流动数据,每一个招聘职位对应超过6.1名应聘者;因此,在面试时给招聘方留下深刻印象显得尤为重要。

Internally,whether in the globe or animal body, it is a moist thick lobe, a word especially applicable to the liver and lungs and the leaves of fat (jnai, labor, lapsus, to flow or slip downward, a lapsing;jiais, globus, lobe, globe; also lap, flap, and many other words);externally a dry thin leaf, even as the f and v are a pressed and dried b.


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Labor Day (It's A Holiday)
Labor Of Love
Slave Labor
They're Tearin' The Labor Camps Down
Labor Of Love
Fruits Of My Labor
Labor Of Love
Labor Of Love
Re-Education (Through Labor)

This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
