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与 kg 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The optimal combination of the mixtures was oat (76 kg/hm^2)+vetch (42 kg/hm^2), In this treatment. the dry matter yield reached 5900 kg/hm^2, and increased the yield 51%and 37%than the single culture of oat and vetch respectively. The pure income was 3020 yuan for RMB per hectare.

其中以燕麦76 kg/hm^2和毛苕子42 kg/hm^2混播草地的种间协同效应最佳,干物质产量为5900 kg/hm^2,比燕麦和毛苕子单播分别增产51%和37%;草地纯收入为3020元/hm^2,经济效益显著。

The result of the experiment showed that the stomach toxicity caused by emamectin benzoate for bee LC50(48h): 1.024mg/L, the contact caused for bee LD50(48h): 0.009064mg/kg, for male and female partridge LC50(7d): 35.92, 38.53mg/kg, for zebra fish LC50(96h): 0.2390mg/L, for silkworm LD50(96h): 0.01109mg/kg.


They were divided into 4 groups: YYLG 270.g/kg, 5.5g/kg; Baotaiwang 21.5g/kg and untreated groups respectively for 3 weeks. The change of abortional rate, Progesterone and myometrial contraction was observed.


The results obtained are as follows:(1) intrarenal artery injection of capsaicin (20, 40, and 60 nmol/kg) increased the renal afferent nerve activity in a dose-dependent manner with unchanged arterial pressure;(2) pretreatment with ruthenium red (40 mmol/kg), a capsaicin receptor antagonist, completely abolished the effect of capsaicin; and (3) pretreatment with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME ( N6-nitro-L-arginine methylester, 0.1 mmol/kg), significantly enhanced the ARNA response to capsaicin.

结果表明:(1)肾动脉内注射辣椒素20、40和60nmol/kg可呈剂量依赖性地兴奋肾传入纤维的活动,而动脉血压不变;(2)静脉内预先应用辣椒素受体阻断剂钌红(40 mmok/kg),可完全阻断辣椒素对肾传入纤维的兴奋作用。(3)静脉内预先注射一氧化氮合酶抑制剂L-NAME(0.1 mmok/kg),能延长并增强肾传入神经对辣椒素的反应。

The results obtained are as follows:(1) injection of 50, 100, and 200 nmol/kg adenosine into the renal artery increased the renal afferent nerve activity in a dose-dependent manner with unchanged arterial pressure;(2) pretreatment with 8-cyclopenthl -1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX, 160 nmol/kg), an adenosine A1 receptor antagonist, partly abolished the effect of adenosine; and (3) pretreatment with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N w-nitro- L -arginine methylester (L -NAME, 0.1 mmol/kg) significantly enhanced the ARNA response to adenosine.

结果表明:(1)肾动脉内注射50, 100和200 nmol/kg腺苷可呈剂量依赖性地兴奋肾神经传入纤维的活动,而动脉血压不变。(2)肾动脉内预先应用选择性腺苷A1受体阻断剂DPCPX (160 nmol/kg),可部分阻断腺苷对肾神经传入纤维的兴奋作用。(3)静脉应用一氧化氮合酶抑制剂 L -NAME(0.1 mmol/kg)预处理,延长并增强了肾神经传入纤维对腺苷的反应。

The results obtained are as follows:(1) injection of 50, 100, and 200 nmol/kg adenosine into the renal artery increased the renal afferent nerve activity in a dose-dependent manner with unchanged arterial pressure;(2)pretreatment with 8-cyclopenthl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX, 160 nmo//kg), an adenosine A1 receptor antagonist, partly abolished the effect of adenosine; and (3) pretreatment with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor Nω-nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME, 0.1 mmol/kg)significantly enhanced the ARNA response to adenosine.


The results obtained are as follows:(1) Intrarenal artery injection of adenosine ( 50, 100, and 200 nmol/kg ) increased the ARNA in a dose-dependent manner (from 100% to 138.06 ± 7.16 %, 201.09 ± 21.85 %, and 313.73 ± 23.81 % respectively, P 0.001 ; lasted for 2 ~ 6 min) with arterial pressure unchanged;(2) Intrarenal adenosine ( 100 nmol/kg ) increased single-unit discharge of ARNA from 0.19 ± 0.03 to 0.42 ± 0.09 impulse/s ( P 0.001 ), lasting 1~3 min;(3) Pretreatment with DPCPX ( 160 nmol/kg ) partly blocked the effects of adenosine on single-unit activity from 0.45 ± 0.04 to 0.29 ± 0.03 impulse/s ( P 0.001 ) while MAP was unaltered.

静脉内预先注射一氧化氮合酶抑制剂L-NAME(0.1 mmol/kg),增强并延长了肾传入纤维对腺苷(100 nmol/kg)的反应(ARNA由0.45 ± 0.10增加至0.64 ± 0.09 impulses·s-1 , P 0.001;反应持续时间由2~5 min延长至3.5~7.5 min)。

Methods After formation of the experimental diabetic mice models by injecting alloxan with the dose of 120 mg/kg body weight, 30 experimental diabetic mice (20 ± 2g at the beginning) were divided into four groups at random, Group A were given physiological saline as control group, While Group B and C were given low dose ( 125 mg/kg bw) and tfigh dose (250 mg/kg bw) LTN respectively, Group D were given Dimethyl Biguanide Hydrochlorie Aeid.

方法体重(20 2)g清洁级BALB/C小鼠30只腹腔注射四氧嘧啶(120 mg/kg)建立糖尿病动物模型,并将其随机分成4组,分别用生理盐水、低剂量(125mg/kg)和高剂量(250mg/kg)香菇多糖以及盐酸二甲双胍灌胃,试验期21 d,观察、比较香菇多糖的作用。

Extracts with higher antioxidant abilities, including hot water and ethanol extracts of Boehmeria nivea leaves and roots, were screened and then added into soy bean oil to study effects on oil stabilities of oxidation during storage and also to develop new XO paste products containing Boehmeria nivea leaves and roots. The extents of oil oxidation in XO paste were evaluated by measuring POV and TBA values. Results indicated that after 8 day storage at 70℃, the POV values of soy bean oil with addition of 0.1% of ethanol extracts of leaf and root were 56.27± 0.12 meq/kg and 57.13± 0.50 meq/kg respectively, which were both greater than that of control samples(53.33 ±0.31 meq/kg), showing that extracts of leaf and root do not have the abilities to inhibit oxidation of soy bean oil.

第二部分将抗氧化能力较高的萃取物,包括苎麻叶与根的热水及乙醇萃取物添加於大豆油中,探讨其对油脂贮藏安定性之影响及开发加入苎麻叶或根的XO酱产品,并藉由测定油脂中过氧化价(peroxide value,POV)和硫巴比妥酸值(thiobar-bituric acid value,TBA)值评估其油脂氧化程度,结果贮存在70℃下第8天时,添加0.1 %苎麻叶与根乙醇萃取物,其POV值分别为56.27±0.12 meq/kg与57.13±0.50 meq/kg,皆较对照组(53.33 ±0.31 meq/kg)高,显示以0.1 %的苎麻叶和根萃取物添加大豆油中并不具抑制油脂氧化作用。

The results showed that adding lime could improve the growth of sisal effectively and inhibit the uptake of heavy metals on Cu polluted soil. When soil Cu was 500mg/kg, the best dosage was 3375kg/hm2. When soil Cu was 1000mg/kg the best dosage was 4500kg/ hm2, this combination of sisal and calcareousness could transplant Cu twice time more than that of only plant sisal. When soil Cu was 2000mg/kg adding calcareousness could effectively improve the growth of sisal.


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Now I am afflicted with illness,and used-up. My body curled up by 85%,and couldn't say a word since several years ago,and I have paralysed in bed for 15 years.Now I doubt that I can live longer.


Courage is the bottom of ninth,tie outs,bases loaded,and your turn to bat.


Well, Yahoo, if you look in a dictionary, it means a very rude and uncivilized people from Gulliver's Travels.

在字典上,Yahoo 的意思是粗鲁而未开化的人,是从《格列佛游记》中得到的。