英语人>网络例句>jumped-up 相关的网络例句

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与 jumped-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Who jumped in limousines with the Chinaman of Okla- homa on the impulse of winter midnight street light smalltown rain


I saw it jump jumped washbasins, turned on the tap with the forepaw, bent down began to drink water, drink Bi skillfully he turned off the faucet out.


Corn prices for March rose to $4.19 a bushel, the highest in six months, while soyabean futures for January jumped to a fresh 34-year high of $11.32 a bushel.


FT writes that ... The warning came as wheat prices on Monday jumped to an all-time high, soybean prices hit a fresh 34-year high and corn rose to an 11-year high on strong demand and tight supplies reflected in extremely low global inventories....

FT 写到…周一小麦价格涨至历史最高,豌豆价格达到34年最高,玉米创11年新高,警告了极低的全球库存导致的供应不足和需求旺盛情形。

The warning came as wheat prices yesterday jumped to an all-time high, soyabean prices hit a fresh 34-year high and corn rose to an 11-year high on strong demand and tight supplies reflected in extremely low global inventories.


Both the American Eagle and South Africa Krugerrand premiums have jumped about 2 percent relative to gold in just the past week.

相对刚刚过去的一周的黄金市场,美洲鹰和和南非的克鲁格金币的保费已跃升2 %左右。

Aunt Sally entered the room at that moment, jumped on top of her bed, and began screaming.


They appreciated or sneered at the morning editorials, jumped from labor conditions in New Zealand to Henry James and Brander Matthews, passed on to the German designs in the Far East and the economic aspect of the Yellow Peril, wrangled over the German elections and Bebel's last speech, and settled down to local politics, the latest plans and scandals in the union labor party administration, and the wires that were pulled to bring about the Coast Seamen's strike.


They appreciated or sneered at the morning editorials, jumped from labor conditions in New Zealand to Henry James and Brander Matthews, passed on to the German designs in the Far East and the economic aspect of the Yellow Peril, wrangled over the German elections and Bebel's last speech, and settled down to local politics, the latest plans and scandals in the union labor party administration, and the wires that were pulled to bring about the Coast Seamen's strike.


Jack Belden had worked his way out as an able-bodied seaman and then jumped ship in Hong Kong.


第81/83页 首页 < ... 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 > 尾页
That Man Jumped Out The Window
Jumped Right In
The Art Of Getting Jumped

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
