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Hydrogen per oxide, jumped over 40% last year .


Especially his tragic novel of subject matter of western Hunan, the artistic conception with " ripple less " top layer, and there are ichthyosaurus to sneak the life consciousness jumped in the ground floor, make people behind smile of having no way out to see satirize, see bitterness,...


Although its public debt was relatively low before the financial crisis started in August 2007, Britain was ill-placed because it was running a sizeable deficit at what turned out to be the peak of the economic cycle. That shortfall reflected Gordon Brown's decision, as chancellor of the exchequer, to embark on a spending spree a decade ago. Total expenditure jumped from 36% of GDP in 1999 to 41% by 2005 and then stayed at that level, even though the economy was growing fast.

虽然公共债务在2007年8月金融危机前的时后还处于一个相对较低的水平,但英国已将自己置于了不利境地,因为在经济处于拐点的时刻英国的财政赤字依然相当庞大,这是财政部大臣Gordon Brown挥霍性消费政策的结果,总开销从1999年占GDP的36%跃升至2005年的41%,此后便一直维持在这个水平,即便如此经济的增长依然强劲。

The warning come after China 's main stock index jumped more than 90 per cent this year.


Jack jumped off the tree and ran towards his house.


They are an outstanding band in the land of rock which plays heavy metal.they played so high that they often jumped down from the stage.


But Buck jumped at Sol-leks and took his place.


Na Deuk-won, who owns a school in Seoul that trains backscrubbers and bathhouse masseuses, says enrollment has jumped 50 percent this year, to 180 students, because of a sudden influx of university graduates and laid-off office workers.


Na Deuk-won, who owns a school in Seoul that trains back-scrubbers and bathhouse masseuses, says enrollment has jumped 50 percent this year, to 180 students, because of a sudden influx of university graduates and laid-off office workers.

Na Deuk-won在首尔拥有一所培训搓背员、澡堂按摩师的学校。Na Deuk-won说入学人数今年猛增了50%,到达180名学生,因为突然出现了大学毕业生和下岗办公室员工。

In past three months, the average weekly number of flights has jumped to 271 with a record of 383 flown in mid-April.


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That Man Jumped Out The Window
Jumped Right In
The Art Of Getting Jumped

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
