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与 join in 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After some passionate Expressions of the old Acquaintance, I enquir'd, you may be sure, after my Plantation and my Partner: The old Man told me he had not been in the Brasils for about nine Years; but that he could assure me, that when he came away, my Partner was living, but the Trustees, who I had join'd with him to take Cognizance of my Part, were both dead; that however, he believ'd that I would have a very good Account of the Improvement of the Plantation; for that upon the general Belief of my being cast away, and drown'd, my Trustees had given in the Account of the Produce of my Part of the Plantation, to the Procurator Fiscal, who had appropriated it, in Case I never came to claim it; one Third to the King, and two Thirds to the Monastery of St.


As the result in chapter 3 had indicated that the value relevance are very different in various year, this chapter first join the year dumble variable in regression models to eliminate the effect of year difference.


In Beginning of the new century and in the future, Sida companies will be more full of spirit, more advanced concepts, more detailed management, better quality of service to join hands in creating the future of the world speed!


Make up one's mind the minister of foreign affairs miss an opportunity make a mistake by mistake in modern times small money have no money with sb. make sb. monitor on the early morning at the top of the mountain join the navy if necessary in need of help take on a new look hit sb. on the nose make / take notes have nothing to do with put up a notice pay no notice to sb. be in operation place an order for sth.

下决心 外交部长错过机会犯错误由疏忽所致现代零钱某人身上没钱选某人为班长某一天清早在山顶上参加海军如果有必要的话需要帮助呈现一片新面貌打某人的鼻子做笔记与…无关张贴通知对某人毫不在意运转着,实施中订购某物失业了一副眼镜颐和园

We offers more than 10 years'' experience in creation, innovation and brand strategies in china and international markets. we have got many famous companies to cooperate with. tee-hee is always interested in meeting new people who feel they have the passion and skills to join our team.


In order to refresh one's knowledge constantly, the educational administrative departments at all levels still hold the second regional language teaching method seminar frequently, select and appoint middle and primary schools Mr. join French person who soak in that university hold class for advanced studies , Mr. of teaching , study, try one's best to reduce and change the teacher who participates in this kind of teaching , make this teaching body keep relatively intact and steady.


After thinking for about four months, Baggio finally made a decision in September 2000 to join newly promoted club Brescia, mainly due to the fact that he could play much more than he could in bigger teams, and that it is close to his home in Vicenza.


Swainson, who last month left IBM to join CA , and Gary Quinn, CA 's executive vice president for partner advocacy, talk about how CA 's product plans will evolve and the channel's expanded role in the Islandia, N.Y., software vendor's overall strategy in an interview with CRN Editor In Chief Michael Vizard, News Editor Steve Burke and Senior Editor Dan Neel.

Swainson 上个月从 IBM 离职加入冠群电脑,他和合作伙伴推广部门的执行副总裁 Gary Quinn 将对冠群电脑的产品线的改进和拓宽渠道销售等方面和 CRN 的记者们作做一个访谈。

The main function of sucrose is to maintain normal respiration, so it can only be used to join the preservative, and make a good effect in maintaining the water balance of Dianthus Caryophyllus when dealing with 0.01% Phytic Acid +2% S +200 mg/L8-HQC solution; Finally, in the mensuration of Dianthus Caryophyllus fresh weight change, no matter using which the vase planting solution, the fresh weight of Dianthus Caryophyllus increases in the initial phase and then gradually decreases.


Nicholas Kenner nailed me - again - at last year's meeting, pointing out that I had said in the 1990 annual report that he was 11 in May 1990, when actually he was 9. So, asked Nicholas rather caustically:"If you can't get that straight, how do I know the numbers in the back are correct?" I'm still searching for a snappy response. Nicholas will be at this year's meeting - he spurned my offer of a trip to Disney World on that day - so join us to watch a continuation of this lop-sided battle of wits.

去年股东会 Nicholas Kenner 又杠上我了,他表示:&我在去年 1990 年报中表示他在 1990 年 5 月 11 号满十岁,但事实上他那时才刚满 9 岁&,他接着又用很嘲讽的语气说:&如果你连这个都搞不清楚,我如何还能相信你报告中的其他数字是正确的&到现在我还在想如何做出一个有力的回答,今年 Nicholas 还会出席,他拒绝了我邀请他当天到迪士尼乐园玩的建议,所以请大家继续好好观赏这一面倒的机智问答。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
