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与 join in 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am happy to join with you today in what will godown in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in thehistory of our nation.


Never join them in a stroll across the hangar, in a fight, in play.


"When when when when ~~~"the Mu is old Wang2 Ye2 birthday Yan that very day, beat drums and gongs a voice not unique at the ear, big reason state mansion the first batch kick a shuttlecock game and the Mu is old Wang2 Ye2 birthday celebration would formal beginning.because of this of game already ferment nearly a month of time, result in whole city of sensation effect, mansion Yin adult active put forward putting the game to do before the door in the state mansion.hence, early in the morning, join a crowd for fun of the crowd fill here full be be of.it quick play to make of remaining don't forget to earn point small money, call the person does the ice powder cool shrimp what of wait at a side sell.more have cleverness of the person draw inference from one example and take the stool chair of oneself to lease.

本页字数:3899 最后更新:1年以前[05-05 13:04] 由最love宝贝编辑 17xie大改版意见征集赠送维币!"当当当当~~~"沐老王爷生日宴当天,敲锣打鼓声不绝于耳,大理州府第一届踢毽子比赛暨沐老王爷生日庆祝会正式开始。因为这次的比赛已经酝酿了将近一个月的时间,造成了全城的轰动效应,府尹大人主动提出把比赛放在州府门前办。于是,一早,来看热闹的群众就把这里塞得满满当当的。之敏玩闹之余不忘赚点小钱,叫人做了冰粉凉虾什么的候在一旁卖。更有聪明的人举一反三,拿了自家的凳子椅子来租借。

Added in order knights (Templars, Teutonics and Hospitallers). These are available as mercenaries in taverns, as well as roaming the map in small parties fighting bandits and some factions. The parties of them aren't finished, I want to make more interesting stuff you can do such as join an order, but this is as far as I am now.


An application to join with a person entitled to a grant of administration a person entitled in a lower degree shall, in default of renunciation by all persons entitled in priority to such last-mentioned person, be made to the Registrar and shall be supported by an affidavit by the person entitled by the consent of the person proposed to be joined as personal representative and by such other evidence as the Registrar may require.


Nicholas Kenner nailed me - again - at last year's meeting, pointing out that I had said in the 1990 annual report that he was 11 in May 1990, when actually he was 9. So, asked Nicholas rather caustically:"If you can't get that straight, how do I know the numbers in the back are correct?" I'm still searching for a snappy response. Nicholas will be at this year's meeting - he spurned my offer of a trip to Disney World on that day - so join us to watch a continuation of this lop-sided battle of wits.

去年股东会 Nicholas Kenner 又杠上我了,他表示:"我在去年 1990 年报中表示他在 1990 年 5 月 11 号满十岁,但事实上他那时才刚满 9 岁",他接着又用很嘲讽的语气说:"如果你连这个都搞不清楚,我如何还能相信你报告中的其他数字是正确的"到现在我还在想如何做出一个有力的回答,今年 Nicholas 还会出席,他拒绝了我邀请他当天到迪士尼乐园玩的建议,所以请大家继续好好观赏这一面倒的机智问答。

Many text description and title are added in the picture, with text navigation replace menu of picture or Java description language, avoid frame structure, Flash or the encode that programs of any spider of cloggy search engine index, join caption to reach yuan of content inside label guiding page to match for every page, make target keyword and search diction are in dispersedly the website is in-house.

在图片中加入大量的文本描述和标题,用文本导航条取代图片或java描述语言菜单,避免框架结构、 Flash或任何妨碍搜索引擎蜘蛛程序索引的编码,为每页加入标题及元标识引导页内内容匹配,使目标关键词及搜索用语分散在网站内部。

The clique that heat up dance is right be replacement make, join the game mode of a lot of original creation among them, break through net of powerful dance with sth in one's hands to swim in the round: Wonderful steps is collected star from true person, swim than congener net stronger explode, move feeling, among them sweethearts is homocentric steps is extremely romantic and colorful, break traditional net to swim the situation with flat picture; Make up systematic function is powerful, fashionable and vivid makeup leaves the onefold and Philistine face in certain game; Pet system upgrades, game pet but nurturance still can accompany a player to dance; What be a delegate with big fight of prop and mump is revolutionary play a way, comprehensive breakthrough is groovy, add luck part, make game more nervous to battle intense.


And it goes on to analyse the fallout from the Iran-Iraq war, the crucial role Iran played in creating Hizbullah, the Shiite militia's wrongdoings in Lebanon, as well as Iran's more recent meddling in Iraq and its ambitions to join the small club of nuclear nations.


In the official records an analysis part, join together solid example in item, make use of the related theories pree the analysis, passing the concrete data, form with sketch to corroborate we adopt the advantage brought in measure.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
