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it seems相关的网络例句

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与 it seems 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And that person that lays small report, in was discovered by the classmate after oneself doing, what behave toward contact is very innocent, it seems that what he is doing is a thing that is helpful for class collective, making small report is to be in for your consider, often write a composition to come, asperse a drivel with dog general blood even the recounts oneself to the teacher grievance of a tear.


From the assembly line to the board room, American manufacturers are running a tighter ship –and it seems to be paying off.


On the basis of all the chemistry that I know, it seems to me astonishingly improbable.


It seems to me that learning is astonishingly difficult, as is listening also.


At its best, it seems too good to be real.


The politician's instinct, it seems, is always at the ready.


It seems that the electron outside the atomic nucleus moves in an orbital around atomic nucleus.


These it seems, are of no use, for I have already hit two chieftains, the sons of Atreus and of Tydeus, and though I drew blood surely enough, I have only made them still more furious.


It seems as if a great deal were attainable in a world where there are ...


Mom and I dressed to Xiaobao very cool, it seems to have satisfied this attired, walked up and down in the living room, showing off its beauty.


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It Seems Easy
More Than It Seems
How Strange It Seems
Everything Is Not What It Seems
Life Ain't What It Seems
As It Seems
Easy As It Seems
Life Ain't What It Seems
More Than It Seems
What It Seems

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
