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Objective\ To study the susceptibility,sensitivity and antibody of Meriones meridianus in Tarim Basin to Yersinia pestis isolated from Marmota himalayana (strain No.21106), isolated from Marmota baibacina in Uqia, Xinjiang (strain No.98005), isolated from M.unguiculatus; To study the time of matrilineal antibody in newborn M.meridianus.

目的 研究塔里木盆地子午沙鼠对从新疆和田喜马拉雅旱獭鼠疫疫源地分离的 470 0 4号鼠疫菌、乌恰县灰旱獭体分离的 2 110 6号菌株和内蒙古长爪沙鼠体分离的 980 0 5号鼠疫菌株感染子午沙鼠在病理改变、感受性、敏感性、二次感染后抗性等方面有无差异,仔鼠体内的母系抗体维持时间。

The present doctoral dissertation was carried out to study the chemical constituents isolated from stems of two medicinal schisandraceous plants.34 compounds were isolated from the ethanol extracts of the stems S.henryi collected in the Jiangxi province by various column chromatographies.27 of them were identified on the basis of spectral analysis.There are 18 lignans,(including 5 dibenzocyclooctadienes,6 aryltetralins,2 tetrahydrofurans,3 diarylbutanes,2 other lignans),3 flavanols,2 glyceroesters,1 naphthoquinone,1 xanthine and 2 steroids,of which 6 compounds were new compounds,and 7 compounds were isolated from this family for the first time.


The protozoa were isolated from field animal blood, vectors, pathogenic tissue and secretions. Based on differences of the pathogen morphology, vector species, experimental infected animals, single parasite clone and parasitic tissues, protozoiasis pathogens from different areas and animals in China were isolated and the vectors and transmission mode were also determined by vector transmission trial. Sequence analysis of 18S rRNA gene was used to study the phylogeny of partial isolated protozoa.

自野外采集动物血液、传播媒介、相关组织、排泄物等,根据对病原形态鉴定、传播媒介鉴定、实验性感染易感动物、单一虫株克隆、不同致病部位等方法,对我国不同地区、不同家畜的原虫病病原进行分离,并通过媒介传播试验确定传播媒介的种类与传播方式;采用18S rRNA基因测序方法,对本实验室已分离的部分原虫进行进化关系研究。

Results MRSA strains were isolated from the burn wounds in 22 of 41 (53.7%) patients, and 5 from the nasal vestibules. Moreover,among 19 medical staffs,MRSA strains were isolated from the hands of 9 persons, but not from the nasal vestibules. From the hands in 9 of 43 lay attendants and the nasal vestibules in 2 MRSA strains were found. Thirteen MRSA strains were isolated from 193 specimens from the surrounding items.

结果 53.7%(22/41)的患者创面分离出MRSA,其中5例鼻前庭分离出MRSA;19名工作人员中,3人手分离出MRSA,工作人员鼻前庭未分离到MRSA;43例患者陪护家属中有9人手上分离出MRSA,2人鼻前庭分离出MRSA;193份环境标本共分离MRSA 13株。

Methods Five hundred and four specimens were isolated from the wounds and nasal vestibules of burn patients ,the hands and nasal vestibules of medical staffs and lay attendants and the surfaces of various equipments. From these specimens,58 strains of MRSA and 43 methicillin- sensitive staphylococcus aureus were isolated. The genome DNA of isolated MRSA strains was analyzed by repetitive DNA - sequence- based PCR analysis.

方法采集烧伤患者的创面、鼻前庭,工作人员手、鼻前庭,陪护家属的手、鼻前庭及烧伤科病房各种环境表面共504份标本,从中分离到MRSA 58株,对苯唑西林敏感的金黄色葡萄球菌43株,并对所分离的MRSA菌株的基因组DNA进行重复序列PCR检测。

Phylogenetic dendrogram indicates that the relations among clones and isolated strains and their closest relatives presented certain distances;both Isolated 7(FJ439527) and Clone 86(EU834839) had a near relation with the novel species of pseudomonas xiamenensis.

系统发育关系表明,两种技术方法所确定的微生物之间亲缘关系存在一定距离;Isolated 7(FJ439527)和Clone 86(EU834839)与假单胞菌属中的1个新种——厦门藻亲缘关系较近。

Diels (contains ligustilide > 70%), could markedly inhibit the contractile function of isolated uterine smooth muscle of mice in a concentration-dependent manner (the utlimate bath concentration is 1 mg/100 mL~32 mg/100 mL) whether the test sample was isolated from normal or oxytocin treated mice. It proved that angelica oil had significant anticonvulsive effect in uterine smooth muscle of mice.

当归油 (含藁本内酯 ligustilide>70%),用1%吐温-80助溶,无论对正常未孕离体子宫还是对经缩宫素处理的离体子宫,都可剂量依赖性(浴槽终浓度为 1 mg/100 mL~32 mg/100 mL)地抑制子宫平滑肌的收缩功能,其性质与妇痛宁滴丸相似,但作用稍强,表明其有抗子宫平滑肌痉挛作用。

The effects, of protection and treatment with, combined Ch, NaF and a trophie were significantly better than that with atropine alone. In isolated phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation of rat, isolated jejuneal preparation of, guinea pig, and the metabolic experiment of rat liver, the results of the, assay on the rat blood ChE activity indicated that antidotal effect of NaF may be due to the antidese...


Noradrenaline Bitartrate injected intraperitoneally can induce the highexpression of heat shock protein 70,it plays a protective role in the isolated rathearts,it can improve the structure and function of myocytes in isolated rat hearts.


Experimental group (E, n=9), Noradrenaline Bitartrate 3.1μmol/kg(0.53mg/kg) wasinjected intraperitoneally and 24 hours later isolated hearts were stored in 4℃for 3hours with HTK, and then isolated hearts were perfused for 2 hours withKrebs-Henseleit solutions by Langendorff model.

实验组(E,n=9):腹腔注射重酒石酸去甲肾上腺素3.1μmol/kg(0.53 mg/kg),24 h后取离体心脏,余处理步骤同C组。

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The 2nd Law: Isolated System
Binge And Purge
Endless Sacrifice
Blowing Out The Flame
I, Alone
In The Morning
You Are Not Alone
The 2nd Law: Unsustainable

Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.


The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.


The fame thing I don't like.
