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Yunnanensis. The pollens of dehisced anthors of flowering P. polyphylla plants was slightly painted on the slide glass, the activities of P. polyphylla pollens were determined resp. by iodine-potassium iodide dyeing method (I2-KI), triphenyl tetrazolium chloride staining method, aceto carmine dyeing method and fluorescein diacetate method with a little improvement.


Each male ratwas paired with 2 female rats in proestrus when administration terminated. Femalerats were examined the next morning for the presence of sperm in vaginal smears andunderwent a cesarean section on day 13 of gestation. Then the reproductive indiceswere calculated as follows: copulation index, pregnancy index, and fertility index,which can evaluate male fertility directly. The sperm motility and morphology wereevaluated by computer-assisted sperm analysis, moreover, the caudaepididymal sperm ultramicrostructure were analyzed by transmission electronmicroscope, which can evaluate the influence on sperm maturation bydutasteride ; sperm survival rate was assessed by SYBR-14 and propidium iodidefluorescent staining; serumal dihydrotestosterone and testosterone of ratswere detected by enzyme-labeled immunoassay, which can evaluate the effecton androgenic levels; the weights of testes and epididymides, were determined byprecise electronic balance; histological examination of above tissues were evaluatedby HE staining and TEM, which can evaluate treatment on histology of reproductiveorgans by dutasteride.

给药结束后雄鼠与处于动情前期的雌鼠按2:1合笼,计算雌鼠的交配指数、受孕指数和生育指数,直接评价雄鼠生育力;采用计算机辅助精子分析系统分析大鼠附睾精子活力和形态,在此基础上合并使用透射电镜技术对各组附睾尾部精子进行透射电镜分析,评价度他雄胺对大鼠精子成熟的影响;采用SYBR-14和propidium iodide双重荧光染色计算精子存活率;采用Elisa法测定大鼠睾酮(testosterone, T)和双氢睾酮(dihydrotestosterone, DHT)血清浓度,评价度他雄胺对雄鼠雄激素水平的影响;采用精密电子天平对各组睾丸、附睾、前列腺和精囊进行称重,评价度他雄胺对大鼠生殖器官重量的影响;采用HE染色法对各组睾丸和附睾进行组织学分析,同时采用透射电镜技术对附睾上皮细胞超微结构进行分析,评价度他雄胺对大鼠主要生殖器官组织学的影响。

Methods IO(superscript - subscript 3) was prepared by quantitative oxidation of bromine water, with the excessive bromine removed with formic acid. In the presence of excessive iodide, I(superscript -) would be oxidized by I(superscript - subscript 3) to form 3 times of I(superscript - subscript 3) in mol, displaying maximal absorption at 286nm in ultraviolet zone and a slightly low apex at 345nm.ε286=1.3×10^5 Lmol^(-1)cm^(-1),ε345=8.1×10^4 Lmol^(-1)cm^(-1), with both showing high sensitivity.

利用溴水定量氧化I生成IO(上标-下标 3),再用甲酸除去过量的溴,IO(上标-下标 3)在过量碘化物存在下氧化I产生3倍摩尔量的I(上标-下标 3),在紫外光区的286nm具有最大吸收,并在345nm处另有一略低的吸收峰,ε286=1.3×10^5 Lmol^(-1)cm^(-1),ε345=8.1×10^4 Lmol^(-1)cm^(-1),均具有很高的灵敏度。

In situ apoptotic cell DNA fragment detection shows two different type of fluorecin-positive images: a narrow-thin dense nucleus labeling within the the shuttle-like shrink cancer cell under the shrink cancer nest (0.5μg/ml propidium iodide background stain) and a cluster-like labeling.


Fluoride ion and iodide ion adsorbed on the PAN fiber could be desorbed by Al(NO_3)_3 and NaOH. And this process showed the fiber was easy to desorb and can be used repeatedly.


Add 100-150g of finely crushed ice and stir until the m-nitroaniline has been converted into the sulphate and a homogeneous paste results. Cool to 0-5°C by immersion of the beaker in a freezing mixture, stir mechanically and add a cold solution of 18g(0.26mol) of sodium nitrite in 40 ml of water over a period of 10 minutes until a permanent colour is immediately given to potassium iodide-starch paper: do not allow the temperature to rise above 5-7°C during the diazotisation.

加入100-150g碎冰,搅拌至m-硝基苯胺成硫酸盐,把烧杯浸入到冷冻液中冷却到0-5°C,机械搅拌下于 10 min内加亚硝酸钠冷溶液(由18g(0.26mol)亚硝酸钠和40 ml 水组成),直到用淀粉-碘化钾试纸测试时,能使该试纸立即显色且不褪色:在重氮化反应时不允许温度超过5-7°C。

Chemical products containing gold and silver, including gold chloride, gold and potassium cyanide, gold water, silver nitrate, silver oxide, silver chloride, silver iodide, silver bromide, etc.


Lactose*, Skimmed Milk Powder*, Vegetable Oils, Dietary Fibres (Galato-oligosaccharides*, Polyfructose), Calcium Carbonate, Sodium Citrate, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin C, Emulsifier, Choline Chloride, Iron Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate, Vitamin E, Niacin, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Copper Sulphate, Vitamin a, Pantothenic Acid, Beta-carotene, Biotin, Vitamin B12, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Manganese Sulphate, Potassium Iodide, Vitamin K, Sodium Selenite.


Demineralise Whey*, Vegetable Oils, Skimmed Milk Powder*, Lactose, Dietary Fibres (Galacto-oligosaccharides*, Polyfructose), Fish Oil, Potassium Citrate, Calcium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Sodium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride, Vitamin C, L-arginine, Emulsifier, Taurine, Iron Sulphate, Vitamin E, Citidine 5'-monophosphate, Zinc Sulphate, Adenosine 5'-monophosphate, Uridine 5'-monophosphate, Inosine 5'-monophosphate, Niacin, Guanosine 5'-monophosphate, Folic Acid, Copper Sulphate, Vitamin a, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Beta-carotene, Vitamin D3, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Manganese Sulphate, Potassium Iodide, Vitamin K1, Sodium Selenite.

无矿物质乳清*,植物油,脱脂奶粉*,乳糖,膳食纤维(半乳糖寡糖*,多聚果糖),鱼油,柠檬酸钾,氯化钙,碳酸钙,柠檬酸钠,镁,氯,维生素C,L -精氨酸,乳化剂,牛磺酸,硫酸亚铁,维生素E,Citidine 5'-磷酸,硫酸锌,腺苷5'-磷酸尿苷5'-磷酸肌苷5'-磷酸,烟酸,5'-鸟苷磷酸,叶酸酸,硫酸铜,维生素A,维生素B12,维生素B3,维生素H,β-胡萝卜素,维生素D3,硫胺素,维生素B6,硫酸锰,碘化钾,维生素K1,亚硒酸钠。

Lactose*, Skimmed Milk Powder*, Vegetable Oils, Dietary Fibres (Galacto-oligosaccharides*, Polyfructose), Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin C, Taurine, Emulsifier, Choline Chloride, Iron Sulphate, Vitamin E, Citidine 5'-monophosphate, Zinc Sulphate, Adenosine 5'-monophosphate, Uridine 5'-monophosphate, Inosine 5'-monophosphate, Niacin, Guanosine 5'-monophosphate, Folic Acid, Copper Sulphate, Vitamin a, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Beta-carotene, Biotin, Vitamin D, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Manganese Sulphate, Potassium Iodide, Vitamin K, Sodium Selenite.

乳糖*,*脱脂奶粉,植物油,膳食纤维(半乳糖寡糖*,多聚果糖),碳酸钙,维生素C,牛磺酸,乳化剂,氯化胆碱,硫酸亚铁,维生素E,Citidine 5'-单磷酸,硫酸锌,腺苷5'-磷酸尿苷5'-磷酸肌苷5'-磷酸,烟酸,5'-鸟苷磷酸,叶酸,硫酸铜,维生素A,维生素B12,维生素B3,β-胡萝卜素,维生素H,维生素D,硫胺素,维生素B6,硫酸锰,碘化钾,维生素K,亚硒酸钠。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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