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与 involuntary 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of or relating to involuntary movement of a body part accompanying voluntary movement of another.


Tourette's syndrome involves repetitive, involuntary jerking movements of the body and sudden outbursts of noise or swearing.


Removal of the EXCEPTION for slavery and involuntary servitude in the Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, and in the various State Constitutions with the return of citizenship, labor, economic, and human ...


He pleaded guilty to three counts of involuntary manslaughter and one count of reckless endangerment.


Brought up in the culture and mores of one place, they are involuntary immigrants to another; there they can choose either to acclimatise or to live locked up in a state of permanent regret.


Timothy Ayers was sentenced to two years and four months in prison after pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the fatal 2007 shooting of his platoon sergeant in Iraq.


Again, the copyists of Proverbs knew, or at least thought they knew, by memory the exact words of the pithy sayings they had to write out; hence arose involuntary changes which, once introduced, were perpetuated or even added to by subsequent transcribers.

同样, copyists谚语知道,或者至少认为他们知道,内存的准确的话简练谚语他们不得不写出来,因此产生的非自愿的变化,一旦实施,持续下去,甚至添加到后来的誊写。

Amundsen's comment on this initially involuntary choice of career was


U.S. federal agencies have a well-documented record of secret experiments on involuntary human subjects going back more than 50 years including CIA MKULTRA mind control experiments and Atomic Energy Commission radiation experiments.


U.S. federal agencies have a well-documented record of secret experiments on involuntary human subjects going back more than 50 years including CIA MKULTRA mind control experiments and Atomic Energy Commission radiation experiments.

美国联邦机构有一个被良好的备案的记录,关于在非自愿的人类目标上进行秘密试验,它可以追朔超过50年,包括中情局的 MKULTRA 精神控制试验和原子能委员会的辐射试验。

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We Are The Involuntary

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
