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与 involuntary 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This re-creates the same sort of physiological conditions that occur at times of emotional stress and teaches students that they can actually exert some control over what might seem an involuntary response.


He would often pause when on his way to visit Charlotte, stand still, as though in doubt, and seem desirous of returning, but would nevertheless proceed; and, engaged in such thoughts and soliloquies as we have described, he finally reached the hunting-lodge, with a sort of involuntary consent.


Tickling thus provokes rhythmic, vocalized, expiratory and involuntary actions – better known as laughter.


Your yelps become small screams and loud gasps, and sharp intakes of breath, and involuntary 'AAAAGGGGHHHHSSSSS'.


The term "Yips" in golf means the involuntary tremors on wrist, knuckles and thew. It could cause the professional golf players to miss on a fateful putting. Affected by this disorder usually brings one to the end of his sports life.


The triple way may appear to be altogether mental and spiritual in its way of seeking and its objectives, but it can be attended by results more characteristic of the other paths, which offer themselves in a spontaneous and involuntary flowering, and for the same reason, because soul-power is all-power and where it reaches its height in one direction its other possibilities also begin to show themselves in fact or in incipient potentiality.


Meanwhile, it can result in a lot of environmental and economic problems, lead to new secondary disaster and ecological damage, and form involuntary cycle in the end.


It's an involuntary adoration, a miss that can't be stopped, a sentiment of standing together regardless of situation, and that sincere love, all of these is the most deep-felt console in our life, still which is for free and can't be obtained from money.


I am talking about that real, out-loud, head-back, mouth-open-to-expose-the-full-horseshoe-of-lovely-teeth, involuntary, full, and deep-throated mirth.


If you can stimulate her to laughter—I am talking about that real, out-loud, head-back, mouth-open-to-expose-the-full-6horseshoe-of-lovely-teeth, involuntary, full, and deep-throated 7mirth; the kind that is accompanied by a shocked surprise and a slight 8peal of delight—well, then, you have at least caused her to loosen up and to change her expression.


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We Are The Involuntary

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
