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Antherodes 3-sect; panicles terminal or cincinni numerous and aggregated in spathelike involucral bracts (in latter case pedicels with sheathlike, membranous bracteoles); plants terrestrial herbs, mostly without elongate and horizontal rhizomes.

Antherodes 3全裂;顶生的圆锥花序或蝎尾状聚伞花序多数和在佛焰苞状总苞片内聚生(在后半箱花梗具鞘状,膜质内);植株陆生草本,多数没有拉长和水平根状茎。

Inflorescences solitary, axillary, often pedunculate, seated on a receptacle; receptacles at first broadly subcampanulate, soon expanded, of unisexual flowers; male and female inflorescences often separate or sometimes mixed in same receptacle, rarely male ones capitate or cymose without receptacle; involucral bracts in 1 or 2 whorled rows along margin of receptacle.


Inflorescence subcorymbose, with 9--18 heads; basal involucral bract 5.5--8.5 cm; heads subglobose, 3--9-flowered; peduncles unequal.


Anemone xingyiensis has undivided or indistinctly trilobate leaves, three or four small, sessile involucral leaves, five white sepals, filiform filaments, and glabrous achenes short-beaked and longitudinally 1-ribbed, and thus belongs to section Begoniifolia Tamura.


Figs axillary on leafy branchlets, paired, reddish orange to red and with scattered white spots, oblong, pillow-shaped, or conic-ellipsoid, 1.5-2.5 × 1-1.5(-2) cm, glabrous or densely covered with brownish yellow long hairs, inside with few or no bristles, apical pore closed by 3 or 4 umbonate bracts, not forming flat disk, subsessile; involucral bracts orbicular to ovate-lanceolate, margin ciliate.

榕果腋生在生叶的小枝上,配对,带红色橙随着红色并且具星散白点,长圆形,枕头形成,椭圆形的或圆锥形, 1.5-2.5 * 1-1.5(-2)厘米,无毛或者密被带褐色的黄长毛,总苞片圆形到卵形披针形,边缘具缘毛。

Leaf blade 3--5-lobed, 10--20 × 10--20 cm, abaxially velutinous; involucral bract blade 3--5-lobed

叶片3-5浅裂, 10--20 * 10--20 厘米,背面的茸毛;总苞片3 --5浅裂 22 A。 vitifolia 野棉花

Basal and involucral bract blade with petiolules 1--2 mm; sepals 7--14 mm, subglabrous, without vein anastomoses

基部和总苞片具小叶柄1 --2毫米;萼片7 --14毫米,近无毛,没有网结脉 14 A。 umbrosa 阴地银莲花

Basal and involucral bract blade with petiolules 2--5 mm; sepals 10--18 mm, pilose, with 5--9 vein anastomoses

基部和总苞片具小叶柄2 --5毫米;萼片10 --18毫米,具柔毛,具5 --9脉网结 13 A。 udensis 乌德银莲花

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