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与 involucral 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cincinnus 1; peduncle ca. 1.2 cm; flowers 1 to several, nearly included in involucral bracts; pedicels ca. 7 mm, twisted.


Inflorescence a terminal panicle, raceme, or spike, dense or lax, covered by 1--3 spatulate involucral bracts when immature; bracts open to base, rarely hooded, each subtending 1 flower or a cincinnus of 2 to many flowers; bracteoles open to base or tubular, rarely hooded, sometimes absent.


Lateral branches penetrating leaf sheaths. Leaves alternate. Inflorescences borne at each node, opposite leaves, emerging from mouth of leaf sheath, each a large panicle of numerous cincinni; cincinni each subtended by an involucral bract; bracts similar to leaves, becoming smaller toward apex of cincinnus.

叶互生 花序着生在每节,与叶对生,从叶鞘口那里出现,每一个为一大的多数蝎尾状聚伞花序的圆锥花序;蝎尾状聚伞花序各自以一总苞片被包着;类似于叶的苞片,向蝎尾状聚伞花序先端变小。

Proximal margin of involucral bracts open or folded but not basally connate, base cordate or rounded.


Cincinni dichotomously branched from base; 1 branch with 1.5--2 cm long peduncle and 1--4 long-exserted male flowers; other branch with much shorter peduncle and 3--5 bisexual flowers included in involucral bracts; pedicels thick and curved, ca. 3 mm, to 5 mm in fruit.


Proximal margin of involucral bracts connate, becoming funnelform.


Involucral bracts borne opposite leaves, folded, ovate-lanceolate, 1--4 cm, glabrous or hispidulous abaxially, base cordate or rounded, apex acuminate or shortly so.


Spathelike involucral bracts ca. 2 cm or more; plants hairy, less often glabrous; leaves more than 6 cm.

Spathelike的总苞片约2厘米或更多;植株有毛,小的通常无毛;叶超过6 厘米 6

Inflorescence a terminal or leaf-opposed spike, with 4, rarely 6 or 8, white, petal-like involucral bracts at base.


Herbs erect or prostrate; involucral bracts spathelike or not; flowers all bisexual.


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