英语人>网络例句>invitation 相关的网络例句

查询词典 invitation

与 invitation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To represent and bind us in the People's Republic of China for the Tendering Agent's Invitation for Bid No. for supply of the Goods proposed in the bid which we manufacture or produce.


You are a PM,you are preparing a invitation for bid, with invite public bidding surrogate the following are the content of the file, except


The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder complying with the conditions and specifications of the invitation for bids provided his bid is reasonable and it is to the interest of the UNFPA to accept it.


The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder complying with the conditions and specifications of the invitation for bids provided his bid is reasonable and it is to the interest of the UNFPB to accept it.


For example, we have many experts who are good at English, Japanese and proficient in foreign trade, maritime law, international finance and invitation for bid and tender.


ThisGuarantee is hereby issued to serve as a Bid Security of for Invitation for Bid IFB No. for supply of to Shenhua International Ltd.


This Guarantee is hereby issued to serve as a Bid Security of (hereinafter call as the " bidder ") for Invitation for Bid IFB No.


An invitational tender means that a tenderer, in the form of invitation for submission of bid, invites specified legal persons or other specified organizations to submit their bids.


In the process of project invitation for bid while designing, investing and constructing, should adopt active strategies, so that protect the economic interest of building unit in the intense competition condition of building market.


To achieve maximum results in allocating marine usage right, we shall adopt invitation for bid and auction in the primary markets while establishing related transfer system and serving institutions in the secondary markets, so as to achieve an efficient allocation of marine usage right by optimizing the transfer mode.


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Don't Send The Invitation
River's Invitation
A Clear Invitation To Party
The Invitation
Engraved Invitation
Subtle Invitation

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
