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与 interviews 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to obtain a new perspective, I conducted in-depth interviews, supplemented by documental materials, with fifty low-income women.


Dosa said several patients are composite characters, though the names and stories of the caregivers he interviews are real and many feel guilty.


In addition, interviews results indicated that children from nine cases were more elaborative in concepts of fraction words and part-whole relation, when compared to prior experimental teaching.


It's unclear who the subject of this briefinterview,agent nighingale himself didn't appear to konw,accompanying notes indicate that he ran into the man in the elderwood national park while trying to find alan wak,but the circumstances are unclear,the interview was conducted outdoors,and judging by the sound qualitu and the tone of the interviews it's likely nightingale surreptitiously turned his tape recorder on without the man's knowledge.


Research data was collected by means of interviews with the help of questionnaires, concept maps, instructional videotapes as elucidatory references.


This paper, based on interviews with Nima, an old former hunter in Arhorchin, ethnographically describes Mongolian culture in hunting wolf.


In media interviews Lerachhas spoken evocatively about fighting for the honest, struggling blue-collar worker who, throughno fault of his own, had lost his hard-earned savings to corporate perfidy.


Started by positioning the key light alone , paying close attention to the shadows of the noise and eye sockets on the face. In television and documentary interviews , it is common practice to eliminate these shadows almost entirely. To achieve this , the key is placed frontally ---- that is , nearthe camera and on the side to which the subject is looking .


In this paper, the psychological managements are analyzed and discussed for the management of military college graduate. At the beginning, the significance of psychological management is given for military college management. Secondly, with the survey questionnaires as well as the individual interviews, all the aspects of psychological characters of military college graduates are analyzed and concluded, including learning, scientific research, networks, etc. Based on the basic theory of psychologics and management, refering to the identical characters, the relative micro-measures of management are provided in the aspects of learning psychological management system, establishing the scientific research inspirement's mechanism and setting up networks behavior regulations. Lastly, regarding to the deficiencies of rule managements, the macro-management' ideas are studied for the cultivations of psychological management abilities, literate educations and the harmonistic managements of the military college graduates.


In interviews, Kwan said she needed to "take responsibility" for her skating.


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Brief Interviews With Hideous Men

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
