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与 interviews 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Data are collected from in-depth interviews conducted with 5 adolescents who have had self-injurious experiences in this study. The results show that there are five stages included in the developmental process of adolescents' self-injurious experiences.


The main inclusion criteria are as follow: self-propelling manual or powered wheelchairs for mobility. One occupational therapist conducted 15-minute telephone interviews based on the self-designed questionnaire, and 73 participants (respond rate: 80.2%) were involved in the study.


Z! z/ Z r6 o, d In "Salt of the Earth," a 1996 book of autobiographical and religious reflections based on interviews with German journalist Peter Seewald, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said he was automatically enrolled in the Hitler Youth as a seminarian but played no active part.

alt of the Earth,一本写于1966年的对宗教的一些反思跟思考的自传体回忆录,当时的红衣主教约瑟夫拉青格,在接见了一名德国记者彼得后,就无意识的以一个神职人员的身份成为了纳粹分子,虽然当时并没有发挥什么作用

The serious and cerebral Koppel is being replaced by a trio of TV personalities, including Martin Bashir, a former BBC and ITV reporter who is famous for sensationalist interviews with celebrities.

严肃而智慧的 Koppel 的主持人位置将会被电视台3人组的主持形式取代。这3人组合当中包括 Martin Bashir 。

The Yankelovich Monitor interviews 2,500 people nationally each year and has tracked 35 social trends since 1971, such as "anti-bigness,""mysticism,""living for today,""away from possessions," and "sensuousness."

Yankelovich Monitor 每年在全国范围内访问2500个人,并从1971年跟踪了35种潮流如"拒绝伟大""神秘主义""为今天而活""远离烦恼"和"感觉"等。

Three parents or relatives of children who died in separate school collapses on May 12 said in telephone interviews on Thursday that local governments had yet to issue any findings.


This is one of an ongoing sequence of podcasts on job interviews.


Richard Seymour of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights points out that it is important to use different types of information, including job interviews and reference


Richard Seymour of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights points out that it is important to use different types of information, including job interviews and reference checks as well as tests.


The celebrity sometimes gets himself in trouble because he likes to shoot from the hip during interviews.


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Brief Interviews With Hideous Men

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
