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与 interpreted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the time shift problems, the significance of the new concept of dyadic time has been interpreted.


The patent claims should be interpreted eclectically.


An ancient Greek priest who interpreted sacred mysteries, especially the priest of the Eleusinian mysteries.


The specific heat of the emeraldine base form of polyaniline and the emeradine salt of polyaniline has been measured at temperatures between 1.8 and 45K. The experimental results have been interpreted in terms of the contributions from both the crystalline and the amorphous phases characterizing the polymer.


The evolution of orogenic zone,gold ore-formation and its dynamic mechanism are studied and the new viewpoint is put forward that thermal stress is a main controlling factor in metamorphism,formation ,evolution of structure and ore-forming geodynamic environment. The critical condition of fluid convection in porous equal medium and the new conclusion is reached first that the thickness of structural layer and temperature gradient are main factors influencing fluid convection andtransport of ore-forming matters in additional to physical properties of rocks. According to the conclusion some mechanisms such as the transform from compressive type to tensile one of erogenic zone,transport and accumulation of ore-forming matters such as gold and so on and many ore-forming temperature values are interpreted qualitatively.


Male flowers: sepals 4-8, usually unequal, imbricate; petals absent; disk absent or obscurely glandular and between stamens (sometimes interpreted as staminodes); stamens 4-8, as long as or longer than sepals; filaments free; anthers 2-locular, introrse or extrorse, longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode usually enlarged at apex, depressed and bifid, usually pubescent.

雄花: 萼片4-8,通常不等长,覆瓦状;花瓣无;花盘无或生于雄蕊间且具腺;雄蕊4-8,等长于或长于萼片;花丝离生花药2室,内向或外向,纵向开裂;退化雌蕊通常在顶扩大,背腹扁平且2裂,通常短柔毛。

On the base of the brief description of the drive and control system of micro-fluid and the experimental setting of the technology of micro-injection, a novel process of the hydrophobe treating used to mend the characteristic of the inner and outer surface on micro-pipette is designed, which can improve greatly the injected effect and eliminate the disadvantage such as seepage or regurgitation during injection. The author puts forward the way of measuring the inside diameter of the micropipette. The program of measuring micro injection amount is designed. The original data of the micro injection experiment are explained and interpreted at last in the thesis.


Furthermore, according to the Miedema's model and the calculation method proposed by Alonso, the Gibbs free-energy diagrams of these systems were constructed. From the viewpoint of thermodynamics and kinetics, the amorphization mechanism and the rules of phase evolution during IBAD process were reasonably interpreted.


With the collection of literature and analysis of ideas examined in the first three chapters, this creation will clearly illuminate the idea and expression of this creation. The themes, ideas, stories, styles in Chapter IV and V are analyzed and interpreted by the iconographical approach. The final version culminates 32 pages of sketch production, coverage, copyright page, title page, and content pages.


In Millet's time,the left interpreted him in the view of social and political revolution, while the right placed the idyllically poetized understanding upon him.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
