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与 interpreted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This type of junction is usually a signal that all the edges should be interpreted as changes in surface color rather than in terms of shadows or lighting.


H Wace, Principles of the Reformation; EG Leonard, A History of Protestantism; W Pauck, The Heritage of the Reformation; J Dillenberger and C Welch, Protestant Christianity Interpreted through Its Development; P Schaff, A History of the Creeds of Christendom, I, III; RN Flew and RE Davies, eds., The Catholicity of Protestantism; JH Nichols, Primer for Protestants; W Niesel, Reformed Symbolics: A Comparison of Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism; L Bouyer, The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism; E Troeltsch, Protestantism and Progress; P Tillich, The Protestant Era; CS Carter and GEA Weeks, eds., The Protestant Dictionary; JS Whale, The Protestant Tradition.

H Wace ,原则改革;乙二醇伦纳德史新教; W Pauck ,传统的改革; J Dillenberger和C韦尔奇,解释基督教新教通过其发展; P沙夫史信仰的基督教,我三;考试弗卢和RE戴维斯合编。,在天主教的新教;红尼科尔斯,引为新教徒; W Niesel ,归正符号:一个比较天主教,东正教和新教; L Bouyer ,精神和形式的新教;电子邮件Troeltsch ,新教和进展; P蒂利希,新教时代;政务司司长卡特和全球就业议程周合编。,新教词典;江苏鲸,新教传统。

Because Western scholars interpreted Intertextuality not entirely in the same way, a variety of definitions have resulted: such as narrow and broad Intertextuality, active and passive Intertextuality, diachronical and synchronical Intertextuality, horizontal and vertical Intertextuality, strong and weak Intertextuality, manifest and constitutive Intertextuality.


The derivative of a function can be interpreted either as a function whose value at x is equal to the gradient of the tangent line to the graph of y=f at x, or, alternatively, as a function that describes the instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x at the point x.


In the market economy,honesty and credit are interpreted in three ways:teleology,tactics and tool theory.


B as a matter of law, wrongly interpreted the relevant terms of the tenancy agreement.

b 在法律观点而言,对租约的有关条款作出错误的释义。

Basically, the contents of this paper are organized as follows: Firstly, it is interpreted that the technical identifications of higher education and economic growth and the relative theories such as human capital and new economic growth, which can make theatric basis for the further empirical study. After that, the paper is to construct a couple of index systems to depict higher education development and economic growth respectively. At the end of this paper, it will adopt the dynamic econometric models such as Granger causality test, co-integration test, VAR and VECM model, to evaluate the co-relations between the two systems. According to the empirical study, the paper comes to the conclusions as follows:(1) There really exists one-way causality between the economic growth and the higher education, i.e.

本文内容基本安排如下:首先本文阐述经济增长和高等教育发展的内涵及其相关的理论,为本文的实证研究奠定理论基础;然后构建高等教育发展和经济增长两个指标体系,以描述高等教育发展和经济增长两个多因素相互作用的复杂过程;最后本文以1978-2003年的时间序列数据为数据资源,运用Granger 因果检验、协整检验、VAR 模型以其向量误差纠正模型VECM 等动态经济计量模型进行实证分析。

Theologically, it is interpreted that Christ died


One of the most important was whether the move would be interpreted as a sign of desperation, as a last throw of the dice by impotent central banks.


When Israel bombs Palestinian refugee camps killing many civilians -often without even a pretense of "reprisal"-or sends its troops into Lebanese villages in "counterterror" operations where they murder and destroy, or hijacks ships and dispatches hundreds of hostages to prison camps under horrifying conditions, this is not "terrorism"; in fact, the rare voices of protest are thunderously condemned by loyal party liners for their "anti-Semitism" and "double standard," demonstrated by their failure to join the chorus of praise for "a country that cares for human life", whose "high moral purpose" is the object of never-ending awe and acclaim, a country which, according to its admirers,"is held to a higher law, as interpreted for it by journalists".4


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
