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与 interpreted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The study shows that Hemingway endowed the novelette with a deeper and more abstract theme than what the critics have generally interpreted.


An obelisk is also a phallic symbol and must be interpreted in the entire dream content.


The event that started me on the road to self-testing code was a talk at OOPSLA in '92. Someone said offhandedly,"Classes should contain their own tests." That struck me as a good way to organize tests. I interpreted that as saying that each class should have its own method that can be used to test itself.

是1992年OOPSLA年会上的一次讲演把我领上自测试代码之路的,有人(我想应该是Dave Thomas)即席说:类应该包含它们自己的测试,作为组织测试的绝妙方式,这段话对我来说简直是醍醐灌顶,我对它的理解就是:每一个类本身都应该有用来测试其自身的方法称为test

The string 111, for instance, can be interpreted as the number one hundred and eleven represented by a decimal string, as the number seven represented by a binary string, and as the number three represented by a unary string.

比如符号串 111,如果是十进制符号串,可解释为数值信息"一百一十一";如果是二进制符号串,可解释为数值信息"七";如果是一元符号串,可解释为数值信息"三"。

Of course, these securities, called TIPS, have behaved erratically in recent months and should be interpreted with caution - at one point they suggested prices were set to fall 7% this year, a highly unlikely prospect even among those most pessimistic about the U.S.


Theory of Social Control, as a theory of law science, is frequently interpreted one-sidedly, which is harmful to development of the rule by law and human rights.


In view of above-mentioned argument,the fractal mechanism of criti- cal system and the critical opalescence phenomenon are interpreted.


The optimality criterion that the aseismic structure must satisfy as it is optimal is derived by using the Kuhn-Tucker necessary condition, and its meanings are also interpreted from the point of view of physics.


This differential movement between the sensory cells and the otolith is interpreted as sound.


Finally ,it is frequently overlooked that some phenomena now interpreted as indicators of crisis were already widespread before the general concern about "overeducation" emerged ; for example , long transition periods from graduation to regular employment had been common in some European countries .


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
