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internal force相关的网络例句

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与 internal force 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If internal reasons are to decide the question of authorship, it seems to me that we might more justly prove this authorship of Solomon with more right from the remarkable passage about the snares of woman (vii, 27), a passage the bitterness of which is not surpassed by the warning of any ascetic; or from the insatiable thirst of Qoheleth for wisdom; or from his deep knowledge of men and the unusual force of his style.

如果内部原因是决定的问题,作者,在我看来,我们可能更公正地证明这一点,作者所罗门与更多的权利,从显着通过有关的圈套女子(第七章, 27条),一个通道的辛酸是不超过所警告的任何苦行;或从贪得无厌的渴求的qoheleth为智慧;或从他的深层知识的男子和不寻常的力量,他的风格。

Compared with the results of milling Ti〓C〓 in a SPEX mill, the difference in mechanism is suggested to be caused by the effect of plastic deformation on the changes of fine grains and internal strain during milling, and the different heat of formation of TiC and TiB〓, which is the driving force for the reactions.


The equilibrium geometry,force constants and vibronic frequencies of the SiO2 molecule with linear structure have been optimized by using the Gaussian03 with B3P86/cc-PVTZ; The total internal partition sums were calculated for silicon dioxide with the product approximation. For rotational partition sums Qrot, the centrifugal distortion corrections are under consideration.


The temperature of bar, rolling force and power of mill drive motor were thus modeled to analyze the causes of bar crooking/heaping, such as the decreasing internal stress due to reduced bar size enables the head of running bar to be lower than the baffle of flying shear, crook and heap.


After crystallization basement was formed in Tai Shan group in the end of Archaean, it suffered long term denudation and deposited to marine and land interbedded formation with stable lithology and thickness. Buried Hill is a large size fold nappe which was uplifted, compressed, folded, denudated and settled in Indosinian period, deposited in Mesozoic formation, then wholly advanced to the west in the late of Yan Shan movement. The force acting on internal structure of buried hill was complicated, and fault block was broken up.


The results are shown as below.1 Tectono-thermal evolution: The history of the Songliao basin is divides into four stages, high-temperature doming and extension, high-temperature rifting, low-temperature depression, and low-temperature shrinkage. Numerical simulation of mechanical process shows that the basin appeared in the early- to late- Jurassic as a result of rapid low-angle subduction of the Pacific plate towards the northwest, of movement of the Siberian block towards the southeast, of many other influences such as internal thermal stress in the mantle, gravitational force, stress of phase transition, etc. Both the Pacific plate and the Siberian block slowed down in the early Cretaceous, and almost stopped in the middle Cretaceous with the rapid decrease of abnormal heat in the mantle below.


The jet has "a range of more than 500 miles", while the Air Force and Navy planes both have ranges greater than 600 miles, Beesley explained, adding that the USAF version has as much internal fuel capacity as the larger twin engined F-22 Raptor.

飞机已经&射程超过500英里&,而空军和海军的飞机都有幅度大于600英里, Beesley解释补充说,美国空军的版本有着同样的内部燃料容量为大双引擎的F - 22猛禽。

Based on the research of influencing factors and regularities of distribution of loess side slope stability in Northwest, the author select Pingshuo Antaibao southern spoil bank as subject investigated, and abstract several the most rudimental influencing factors which are ubiquitous concerning slope stability in loess area such as sloping shape, slope ratio, bulk density, cohesive force, angle of internal friction, elastic modulus, Poisson ratio, water immersion.


Because liquid is entered, force of internal pressure of powdery injection bottle is elevatory, canal of side of pinhead of medicine of aeriform edge dissolve is poured out of, make inside bottle, outside pressure poises, do not make the face that note fluid exceeds aperture of side of dissolve medicine pinhead to spill over in order to prevent medical fluid.


As a matter of fact, these postures enable you to recharge your internal batteries, rekindling your force or prana.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
