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与 interchange 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, ANSI has just approved a set of electronic-data-interchange standards.


As to his painting contribution, accomplishment and influence, I have made three conclusions according to my research results and various allegations from others. 1. He actively promoted art of the aquarelle; raised the position of aquarelle in the painting circle.2. He insisted on taking local subject as the core of painting, therefore, he has left the precious historical records of the native scenery .3. He actively endeavored to hold painting exhibitions, encouraged the international cultural interchange and expanded the vision of the painters and the public at southern Taiwan.


To achieve this ,widening of the arterial may be necessary in the area of the interchange.


This article presents the corresponding measures on the adjustment of samplc pressure,temperature of thermotank ,flowrate of carrier gas,length of measuring cycles and determination of keeping time of sample compositions;the influence of sampling,columns interchange,backflush and time change of compensation valvc to the measurement and analysis and the solutions to bo adopted.

介绍 PGC3 0 2在线气相色相谱仪因原进口色谱柱劣化,换用国产色谱柱后,在调试过程中,样品压力、恒温箱温度、载气流量、测量周期长短、样品各组分保留时间的确定,采样、柱切、反吹、平衡阀门开关时间的改变对测量分析的影响及解决办法。

All tanks are to be lined with vitreous glass, fired at 1,600°F. by a process which provides a molecular interchange of glass and steel.

所有容器都应该内衬陶化玻璃,经过871oC 高温烧制烘烤,使得玻璃和钢板以分子形式紧密结合。

Deep cultural interchange, and in particular today's bete noire , American cultural imperialism?


It defines all characters in a character set as well as how they are encoded for information interchange.


It is an important medium of showing the event's choreograph artistry that the plastic actions express the feeling interchange between men and women.


One important magnetic assembly is the circuitry which allows this interchange of energy.


It locates on the southeast part of the province,the north edge of the Pearl River Delta.It covers an area from 112°57'E to 114°3'E and 22°26'N to 23°56'N.The city is next to South China Sea and closed to Hongkong and Macao.As the traffic interchange and international trade port of the South China area,Guangzhou is also regarded as the "South Entrance" of China.On June 2000,after the two County-level city,Fanyu and Huadu was established by region,Guangdong became the costal city of the Southern China.

广州地处广东省东南部,珠江三角洲北缘,范围为东经112度57 分-114度3分,北纬22度26分-23度56分,濒临南海,毗邻香港和澳门,是华南地区的交通通讯枢纽和贸易口岸,是中国的"南大门"。2000年6月,番禺、花都两县级市撤市设区后,广州成为中国南方的海滨城市。

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A Road Is Just A Road
Oh God
Damn Straight
Novocain Stain
Vital Signs
Diamonds On My Windshield
On A Foggy Night

"Bird Man's Diary, Butting on the Love Island", Changsha, China


As long as they were in the service of a family of wizards, their magic would remain dormant.


It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.
