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与 integrand 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to avoid the singularity in the integration, the integrand was expressed to be sum of complex exponential terms by using discrete complex image method. With generalized pencil of function method introduced, the number, location and intensity of images were obtained without extracting the quasi-static and surface wave terms in the integrand, which makes DCIM more efficient for multi-layered media.


The continuity of integrand on closed interval is the important condition for the validity of Newton-Leibniz formula .


The Monte Carlo integration that the domain of integration is curved or complex connected curved polyhedron and the integrand has singular points is discussed in this chapter.where G is the domain of integration that is the curved polyhedron, and X P,where G, G,(i = 1,2,...s) is the domain of integration thatis the curved polyhedron,Chapter 3 Deals with the computer simulation on the multiple random current and LIFO multiple service desks mixed queuing system modles in discrete event system.

Z,为。厂的奇异点,且、训方」 SZ;。G一U乓,:一',2,第三章讨论了多随机顾客流且后进先出的先有Ul个服务台并联,然后有 V个服务台串联,最后有UZ个服务台并联的串并联混合和先有 Vl个服务台串联,然后有U个服务台并联,最后有VZ个服务台串联的串并联混合多服务台排队系统模型的计算机模拟。

According to the variation, features of the integrand, the values of peaks and troughs are taken out and formed a slowly convergent series, and the repeated averaging scheme is performed to calculate the limit rapidly and accurately.


According to the variation, features of the integrand, the value s of peaks and troughs are taken out and formed a slowly convergent series, and the repeated averaging scheme is performed to calculate the limit rapidly and accurately.


The maximum principle of the optimal control for the stochastic systems described by Zakaj stochastic partial sifferential equationis proved by approximately minimum point theorem of E. Ekeland. The convexity and compactness of the set of control values is not assumed, and it is not necessary for the maximum principle about differentiability in control variables included in drift term of the stoch astic system and the integrand in index functional, and costate process satisfies the stochastic partial ...


The paper introduces the method of calculating double integral with symmetry,and then puts forward a calculating method by rebuilding integrand and domain of integration reasonably.


Property 2 The constant factor in the integrand function can be taken out of the double integral, that is ,if k is a constant.

性质 2 被积函数前面的常数因子可以提到积分号前面,即,若k为常数。

In order to solve the problem,We proposed a simple formula for computing paraxial travel time of single-way wave operator. The formula is based on the forward and inverse transform between time-space domain to frequency-wavenumber domain and from vector field to exponential manifold. The travel time are expressed as polynomials of the horizontal offset between the two points, and the single-square-root operator in frequency-wavenumber domain are expressed as polynomials of wavenumber. Coefficients of travel time polynomials and that of single-square-root operator are related each other and calculated by Lie algebraic integrand, exponential map and the saddle-point method.


In order to solve the problem, We proposed a simple formula for computing paraxial travel time of single-way wave operator. The formula is based on the forward and inverse transform between time-space domain to frequency-wavenumber domain and from vector field to exponential as polynomials of wavenumber. Coefficients of travel time polynomials and that of single-square-root operator are related each other and calculated by Lie algebraic integrand, exponential map and the saddlepoint method.


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Leo W. Gerard is international president of the United Steelworkers and a member of the executive council of the AFL-CIO. Former Michigan Sen.

利奥 W 杰拉德是美国联合钢铁工人协会的国际主席,也是美国劳工总会与产业劳工组织的行政委员会成员。