英语人>网络例句>integral of a function 相关的网络例句
integral of a function相关的网络例句

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与 integral of a function 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The basic idea is to set a continuous solution of the region with a finite number of discrete points instead of a grid consisting of, these discrete points called grid nodes the solution of a continuous area on a given function of continuous variables used in the definition of discrete grid variable function approximation the original equation and boundary conditions in the micro-business operators to approximate differential, integral with the points and to approximate, so the original differential equations and boundary conditions are replaced by algebraic equations near Side, that is, finite difference equations , solve this equation group can get the original problem in discrete points on the approximate solution.


We prove the fuzzy set-valued characteristicfunction of a compact Baire fuzzy set can be approached by fuzzy set-valuedcontinuous functions with fuzzy compact support sets,the integral of integrablesimple Baire fuzzy set-valued function can be approached not only by the integralsof integral simple fuzzy set-valued functions,but also by the integrals of fuzzy set-valued continuous function with fuzzy compact support sets.


As to its computing methods, this paper synthesizes six kinds, they are: utilizing a general integral method of complex function directly; utilizing Cauchy integral theorem; utilizing Cauchy integral formula; utilizing Cauchy high-level differential coefficient; utilizing Cauchy residue theorem; utilizing the residual of logarithm.


On the basis of the idea of partition of unity, a discontinuous function and the two-dimensional asymptotic crack-tip displacement fields are added to the displacement interpolation formula to account for discontinuity of the contact surface and stress singularity near the contact surface tip respectively. Governing equations are deduced by virtual work principle and the integral of the discontinuous functions are calculated by Gauss integral through sub-elements cut by discontinuous surface.


Properties are discussed for a class of exponential sum function on recurrence relationship,integral formula,it has been proved that its curve configuration is single peak and it is a probability density,the application of this function is showed in proving equalities and a differential equation model of substance transform reaction.


It is shown that many of the existing integral transforms (including their logically equivalents) such as chirplet transform, dispersion transform, wavelet transform, chirp-Fourier transform, short-time Fourier transform, Gabor transform, Fourier transform, cosine transform, sine transform, Hartley transform, Laplace transform, z transform, Mellin transform, Hilbert transform, autocorrelation function, cross-correlation function, and the energy and mean of a signal, can each be considered as a special case of the FMmlet transform with specific parameters. In fact, an inventory of subspaces of FMmlet transform runs into countless numbers. The subspaces mentioned above are merely a few among a zoo of subspaces. They are essentially obtained by cutting the transform space of FMmlet transform at different positions, and can be likened to the computed tomography in medical diagnosis. Through these subspaces we actually see different slices or profiles of the FMmlet transform.

将现有诸多变换置于统一的 FMmlet 变换中加以审视,发现 chirplet 变换、频散变换、小波变换、 chirp-Fourier 变换、短时 Fourier 变换、 Gabor 变换、 Fourier 变换、余弦变换、正弦变换、 Hartley 变换、 Laplace 变换、变换、 Mellin 变换、 Hilbert 变换、自相关函数、互相关函数、能量和均值等,均为 FMmlet 变换在其参数取特定值时的特例;上述诸变换之间的差别,主要在于变换空间的维数有别,以及在不同空间维上取值的不同;这些变换有如医学诊断中的 CT,均由压缩 FMmlet 变换域空间所致,可以说我们通过这些变换看到的,是 FMmlet 变换的不同剖面。

The growth of functions in these spaces depends on a weighted function ρ. We investigate the relation between growth and boundary values of the functions, and prove that a function or its radial derivative is in one of the spaces if and only if the p'integral average of the difference of its boundary value function is integrable or bounded.


With the help of the concepts of Lebesgue measure and Lebesgue integral in real function,the mathematics model of concurrent design of life-oriented progressive die is advanced. Which were the Lebesgue measure and Lebesgue integral of die substructures and a general mathematics model of the relation between progressive die structure and die substructures.


One way is to regard them as the random variables submit to a certain distribution; another is to take them as a random process—— we derive random variables form any of its function's time development, and, the diffusion equation could be partially approached by a equation which is similar to the Ito stochastic integral equation so that the Ito stochastic integral equation is inter-related with the diffusion equation. Therefore, this process could basically reflect the uncertainty in different models.


The nature of the acceleration unit-impulse response function of unbounded medium tending to vary linearly is proved by means of asymptotic analysis. Thus, the acceleration unit-impulse response function can be regarded as the summation of a linear function and a residual part which converges to zero. Based on this decomposition, two FE-SBFE coupling procedures are presented based on system realization and truncation integral technique respectively.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
