英语人>网络例句>integral formula of cauchy 相关的网络例句
integral formula of cauchy相关的网络例句

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与 integral formula of cauchy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The content of this course is: analytic function (the definition of analytic function, elementary functions, etc.), conformal mapping (the definition if conformal mapping, fractional linear functions, elementary mappings, etc.), complex integration (Cauchy's integral formula, Cauchy's theorem, etc.), Series (Laurent Series, singularities, local property, etc.), residues and its applications (the Residues Theorem, integration by residues, the Argument Principle, the Maximum Principle, Schwarz's Lemma, etc.), analytic continuation and harmonic functions, etc.

本课程内容主要包括:解析函数(解析函数的定义、初等函数等)、共形映射(共形映射的定义、分式线性变换及初等映射等)、复积分(Cauchy 积分公式、 Cauchy 定理等)、级数(Laurent 级数、孤立奇点、局部映射等)、留数及其应用(留数定理、利用留数计算积分、幅角原理、最大模原理、 Schwarz 引理等)、解析开拓和调和函数等内容。

In this paper, we consider the properties of so_called N_analytic functions , integral formula of Cauchy type and the problem of Riemann boundary value.

研究了N 解析函数的性质、Cauchy型积分公式及相应的Riemann边值问题,然后将其结果应用到一类奇异微分—积分复方程的可解性理论中,建立了其特征方程解的积分表示式。

In terms of Cauchy s integral formula of analytical complex function and the three order spline function of complex variable, a general boundary solution method is presented for solving the complex potential field of the flow field around a 2D semi infinite body .


The boundary element method for the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the generalized analytic function uses Cauchy integral formula as the foundation . The singularity of the Cauchy


Utilizing the tools of conformal mapping and Cauchy integral formula and so on, the SIFs at the crack tips are obtained, which can be reduced to the known results under the condition of limitation; For the third and the fourth section, the problems of arc crack and parabolic crack are researched in one dimensional hexagonal QCs.


As to its computing methods, this paper synthesizes six kinds, they are: utilizing a general integral method of complex function directly; utilizing Cauchy integral theorem; utilizing Cauchy integral formula; utilizing Cauchy high-level differential coefficient; utilizing Cauchy residue theorem; utilizing the residual of logarithm.


Let D be a bounded domain with C(1) boundary in Cn . The authors use the locally finite open coverring of the countable strictly pseudoconvex to define a new partitions of unity of σpoint finite local holomorphic , constructed a generalized Cauchy integral formula with discrete local holomorphic kernel on the bounded domain D and applied it to solving the 52equation.

设D 是Cn 空间中具有C(1)边界5D 的有界域,本文利用D 上一个局部有限的可数强拟凸开复盖,定义了D上一个新的局部全纯的σ点有限的单位分解,建立了D上一个更一般的具有离散局部全纯核的Cauchy积分公式并获得D 上52 方程的具有离散核的解的积分表示。

Secondly,we firstly study the properties of functions with values in a uni-versal Clifford algebra 〓,and we obtain the following very important basictheorems in universal Clifford analysis:Cauchy's integral formula,Cauchy's inte-gral theorem,the mean value theorem,the three versions of the maximum mod-ulus theorem,the Taylor's expansion,the Laurent's expansion and the residuetheorem etc..All of these results generalized the classical results.


For the Riemann boundary value problems for the first order elliptic systems , we translates them to equivalent singular integral equations and proves the existence of the solution to the discussed problems under some assumptions by means of generalized analytic function theory , singular integral equation theory , contract principle or generaliezed contract principle ; For the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the first order elliptic systems , we proves the problems solvable under some assumptions by means of generalized analytic function theory , Cauchy integral formula , function theoretic approaches and fixed point theorem ; the boundary element method for the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the generalized analytic function , we obtains the boundary integral equations by means of the generalized Cauchy integral formula of the generalized analytic function , introducing Cauchy principal value integration , dispersing the boundary of the area , and we obtains the solution to the problems using the boundary conditions .


The thesis consists of the followingmain results:the Cauchy's integral formula on certain distinguished boundaryfor LR regular functions with values in a universal Clifford algebra 〓,theCauchy's integral theorem,the mean value theorem,the maximum modulus the-orem.the Taylor's expansion,the Laurent's expansion and the residue theoremetc..


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