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integral cosine相关的网络例句

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与 integral cosine 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, the sine and cosine shaped sensors have been designed by using the integral characteristics of PVDF piezoelectric film. The sine PVDF sensor can be used alone to measure the displacement, speed, acceleration, stain, stress of the roof beam vibration; the cosine PVDF sensor can be used alone to measure the angular displacement and shear of the roof beam vibration; by using them jointly , the structural intensity can be measured for the roof beam without any finite differential error.


The theoretical solution of eigenfrequencies and vibration models of rectangular thin plate on foundation with completely free boundary was derived by the double finite cosine integral transform method. In the analytical process, the elastic foundation was regarded as Winkler foundation model.


The so called indirect integral operation means that Eular angles can be gotten from the direction cosine matrix which is received by the integral operation of quaternions or direction cosine.


The exact solutions are then obtained for the equations characterizing flows of such fluids under an arbitrary pressure gradient by the method of integral transforms (Fourier Cosine transform and Laplace transform).


It is shown that many of the existing integral transforms (including their logically equivalents) such as chirplet transform, dispersion transform, wavelet transform, chirp-Fourier transform, short-time Fourier transform, Gabor transform, Fourier transform, cosine transform, sine transform, Hartley transform, Laplace transform, z transform, Mellin transform, Hilbert transform, autocorrelation function, cross-correlation function, and the energy and mean of a signal, can each be considered as a special case of the FMmlet transform with specific parameters. In fact, an inventory of subspaces of FMmlet transform runs into countless numbers. The subspaces mentioned above are merely a few among a zoo of subspaces. They are essentially obtained by cutting the transform space of FMmlet transform at different positions, and can be likened to the computed tomography in medical diagnosis. Through these subspaces we actually see different slices or profiles of the FMmlet transform.

将现有诸多变换置于统一的 FMmlet 变换中加以审视,发现 chirplet 变换、频散变换、小波变换、 chirp-Fourier 变换、短时 Fourier 变换、 Gabor 变换、 Fourier 变换、余弦变换、正弦变换、 Hartley 变换、 Laplace 变换、变换、 Mellin 变换、 Hilbert 变换、自相关函数、互相关函数、能量和均值等,均为 FMmlet 变换在其参数取特定值时的特例;上述诸变换之间的差别,主要在于变换空间的维数有别,以及在不同空间维上取值的不同;这些变换有如医学诊断中的 CT,均由压缩 FMmlet 变换域空间所致,可以说我们通过这些变换看到的,是 FMmlet 变换的不同剖面。

By the performance indexdr, We proposed in thispaper a new algorithm for the feedforward optimal gauge control of a steel stripmill. By this algorithm the control is the integral of gauge deviation weighted by hyperbolic cosine.


When computing the diagonal elements of the Galerkin matrix, one will encounter the integral of Hankel function, the Green's function of 2-dimensional Helmholtz equation and the cosine weighting function, whose integrand is singular in the integration range. A new approach is proposed to deal with this kind of singular integrals, which is pivotal but have not been reported so far.


In this project, we study the theory of higher order differential equations in Banach spaces and related topics. We solve an open problem put forward by two American Mathematicians and two Italian Mathematicians concerning wave equations with generalized Weztzell boundary conditions, introduce an existence family of operators from a Banach space $Y$ to $X$ for the Cauchy problem for higher order differential equations in a Banach space $X$, establish a sufficient and necessary condition ensuring $ACP_n$ possesses an exponentially bounded existence family, as well as some basic results in a quite general setting about the existence and continuous dependence on initial data of the solutions of $ACP_n$ and $IACP_n$. We set up quite a few multiplicative and additive perturbation theorems for existence families governing a wide class of higher order differential equations, regularized cosine operator families, regularized semigroups, and solution operators of Volterra integral equations, obtain classical and strict solutions having optimal regularity for the inhomogeneous nonautonomous heat equations with generalized Wentzell boundary conditions, gain novel existence and uniqueness theorems,which extend essentially the existing results, for mild and classical solutions of nonlocal Cauchy problems for semilinear evolution equations, present a new theorem with regard to the boundary feedback stabilization of a hybrid system composed of a viscoelastic thin plate with one part of its edge clamped and the rest-free part attached to a visocelastic rigid body. Also we obtain many other research results.



When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
