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integral closure相关的网络例句

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与 integral closure 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Computing integral closure of a finite extension is not only an important problem in commutative algebra, but also in algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory.


River closure is an integral part in the course of building water conservancy projects.


The ring C is called the integral closure of A in B.


In this paper,we give the representation of integral closure of a cubic extension about general Neotherian unique factorization domain (2,3 are not units). Then we give a series of integral number about a cubic extension.


Let OKbe the integral closure of the polynomial ring A = Fq in K, and UK be the group ofunits of OK .

设OK为多项式环A = Fq在K中的整闭包, UK为OK的单位群。

In chapter 4, Based on the orthogonality relations and duality of C-algebras, we study the decompositions of C-algebras, and give a Fourier inversion formula on C-algebras, which generalizes the Fourier inversion formula on the center of a finite group algebra over complex. As an application, we characterize the integral closure of C-algebras over the ring of integers, and show a necessary and sufficitient condition for elements of C-algbras being algbraic integral over integers.

第四章 我们应用C-代数的正交性及对偶性刻画了C-代数的一个分解,给出了C-代数上这个完全分解的Fourier反演公式,从而推广了Z分解的Fourier反演公式;作为Fourier反演公式的一个应用,我们刻画了Z在整数环Z上的整闭包,进一步我们研究了C-代数在整数环Z上的整闭包,给出了C-代数在整数环Z上为整元的一个充要条件。

Neotherian unique factorization domain; cubic extension; integral closure



When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
