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与 integrable 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sphere;; affine geometry;; similarity geometry;; motion of surface;; integrable equation


For the DNLSE with NVBC, a simple adapted IST was recently derived by introducing an affine parameter, yielding a much simpler one-soliton solution. All previous researches demonstrate that, in known (1+1) dimensional one-component integrable systems, the DNLSE with NVBC is a rare instance simultaneously admitting bright solitons, dark solitons, as well as their bound states.


As applications of Riemannian surface and algebraic curve theory in integrable system, Abel-Jacobi coordinates are introduced suitably by the Lax matrix, from which straightening out of the flows are given.


In this paper, we give explicit constructions and formulations for harmonic maps from R1,1 into classical real semisimple Lie groups by using Darboux transformation. We also discuss pluriharmonic maps from complex manifoldsinto symmetric spaces and Willmore surfaces in Sn. By converting geometric conditions satisfied by these maps into integrable systems, and using the the-ory of integrable systems, we give explicit constructions for pluriharmonic maps from complex manifolds into symmetric spaces and the Willmore surfaces in Sn respectively. Finally, we classify hypersurfaces in Sn+1 with three distinct prin-ciple curvatures and zero Mobius form using the theory of Mobius geometry. The paper consists of four chapters.


We study the Dirac structures on protobialgebroid, give the integrable conditions for maximally isotropic subbundle being Dirac structure for protobialgebroid by the notion of characteristic pair. From the integrable conditions, we found out that Dirac structure has closed relations with twisting of protobialgebroid. Further, the closed relations are explained, the fact that twisting of protobialgebroids is a equivalence relation is verified.


The famous Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moster theory studies the perturbations of integrable systems, anti-integrable limit theory proposed several years ago studies the perturbations of"totally"chaotic system.


In chapter 4, we discuss further some properties of generalized fuzzy inte-grable functions, and prove that not only generalized fuzzy integrable functions have the weak integral absolute continuity, but also sequences of generalized fuzzy integrable functions have uniform weak and absolute continuity.


Thirdly, a multi-component form of equation(8)in reference[40]is worked out, then its Hamiltonian structure is presented byuse of the extended trace identity. Nextly, the expanding integrable model ofmulti-component integrable equation hierarchy is obtianed.


The aim of this paper is an attempt to use the method of integrable systems to study integrable immersions of pse...


Strategy for designing optimal bounded control to minimize the response of quasi partially-integrable Hamiltonian systems with stochastic excitations is proposed based on the stochastic averaging method for quasi partially-integrable Hamiltonian systems and the stochastic dynamical programming principle.


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