英语人>网络例句>integers 相关的网络例句

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与 integers 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Suppose G is a finite group, then QG is a semisimple Q-algera, obviously ZG is a Z-order of QG,we denote the maximal Z-order by ?.If G is not abelian, it is not an easy thing to determine г; if G is an abelian group, then QG is isomorphic to the direct sum of a finite number of number fields, and r is the direct sum of these rings of algebraic integers of those number fields, but which elements of QG belong to r is not clear.


In this master thesis, we mainly discuss the adjacent vertex- distinguishing total chromatic numbers of some special graphs and prove that Zhang"s conjecture holds for these graphs. Then we get the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic numbers of the Halin Graphs. Moreover, we investigate the Generalized Petersen Graphs, prove that some classes of positive integers can"t structure the Generalized Petersen Graphs and get the result that the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number is 5. Finally, based on the number and the parity of circles contained by the graph, we get the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number of two classes of graphs.


Software Description: XICalc is an integer calculator program with the following features: multiple precision integers with millions of digits; uses Hartley Transform to speed-up long multiplies; separate input and outputnotation, base 2 to base 36; greatest common divisor function; Modulo arithmetic options; Bernoullinumbers, Euler Numbers; Boolean functions; random number generator; prime factor algorithm using theElliptic Curve Method; number theoretic functions phi, sigma and tau; prime testing and searching using the Adleman function; algebraic notation; if-then-else statement; go-to statement; can run XICalc code from files; hot help from F1 key; and it抯 written in Microsoft Visual C#.

XICalc 是一款带有如下功能的综合性计算器软件:带有百万数位的多精度整数;使用 Hartley Transform 加速长整型多样化计算;以2到36为基数分隔输入和输出符号;最大公约数函数;模数算法选项;Bernoulli 数字;Euler 数字;布尔函数;随机数字生成器;使用圆周曲线算法的主要因素运算法则;π,τ,Σ的数字理论函数;使用 Adleman 函数的最初测试和搜索功能;代数符号;if-then-else 语法结构声明;go-to 语法结构声明;来自于文件的XICalc 代码;F1键的热点帮助;并且该软件是采用适用于 Windows 操作系统的微软 Visual C#。

Factoring integers ; algorithm ; algebraic number field


According to algebraic number theory,all solutions of Pocklington equation in a ring of integers of a quadratic imaginary field are determined,which implies that the equation has only several solutions in the ring.


In vector algebra, addition are defined to add coordinates entries respectively,and this system of operation is the direct sum Z Z={|a,b are integers} of integers ring Z,the operations are+=,=.

向量代数加法就是这样按照分量加法在运算,再加上按照分量的乘法,这个运算体系就是整数环Z的直和Z Z={|a,b为整数},其上的运算就是+=,=。

In this way, we will be able to see abundancy patterns within the set of integers. Such visualizations are not only eye-catching, but also helpful in understanding the nature of the integers themselves.

这课题挺有意思的,可是这两天在那里数那些数字然后fit them with quadratic formulas已经有点头晕眼花了,不过还是看到了不少曙光,所以还是得坚持的。

Constitute a set of all integers, integers,...


Seven application-wide data types exist in the snmpv1 smi: network addresses, counters, gauges, time ticks, opaques, integers, and unsigned integers.

七种广泛应用数据类型存在在 snmpv1管理信息结构:网络地址、计数器、规格、时间记号、不透明物和无符号整型。

Convert Base 10 Integers to Binary, Octa - Convert Base 10 Integers to Binary, Octal And Hex


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
