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与 insurance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Currently, the Three Gorges to Changzhou DC transmission project started construction to assure quality, safety construction, avoid the risk of projects, the State Power Company works on insurance issues for tender, the Chinese people finally as chief underwriter insurance companies, and insurance companies and safety insurance company Pacific common undertaking such projects.


An insurance document, such as an insurance policy, an insurance certificate or a declarationunder an open cover, must appear to be issued and signedby an insurance company, an underwriter or their agents or their proxies.


It has been approved by history in many countries that insurance broker companies are beneficial to promoting the development of insurance, regulating insurance market, safeguarding the right of insurants, and strengthening the connections between domestic insurance market and international market.


Because of above, I decided to write the dissertation with the heart of logistics insurance, the main point for the dissertation is that: no matter who dont know it will get it, people who engage insurance will know how to act in logistics insurance and how to solve problem, management level of insurance will know how to improve it and make it suitable for development of logistics, insurants read it will know how to choose a employable policy company.


Warranted that no insurance on any interests enumerated in the foregoing 2211 to 2217 in excess of the amounts permitted therein and no other insurance which includes total loss of the Vessel PPI, FIA, or subject to any other like term, is or shall be effected to operate during the currency of this insurance by or for account of the Assured, Owners, Managers or Mortgagees Provided always that a breach of this warranty shall not afford the Underwriters any defence to a claim by a Mortgagee who has accepted this insurance without knowledge of such breach

保证上述第2211项至2217项所列任何利益的保险不超过所允许的保险金额,并不得有由被保险人、船东、管理人或抵押权人或以其名义在本保险期内安排原或将安排的包括保险船舶的PPI, FIA,或受任何其他类似条款制约的全损保险在内的其他保险。保险人不得以违反本保险为由,抗辩在接受本保险时不知道此项违反的抵押权人提出的索赔。

Warranted that no insurance on any interests enumerated in the foregoing 2011 to 2017 in excess of the amounts permitted therein and no other insurance which includes total loss of the Vessel PPI, FIA, or subject to any other like term, is or shall be effected to operate during the currency of this insurance by or for account of the Assured, Owners, Managers or Mortgagees Provided always that a breach of this warranty shall not afford the Underwriters any defence to a claim by a Mortgagee who has accepted this insurance without knowledge of such breach

保证上述第2011项至2017项所列任何利益的保险不超过所允许的保险金额,并不得有由被保险人、船东、管理人或抵押权人或以其名义在本保险期内安排原或将安排的包括保险船舶的PPI, FIA,或受任何其他类似条款制约的全损保险在内的其他保险。保险人不得以违反本保险为由,抗辩在接受本保险时不知道此项违反的抵押权人提出的索赔。下列各条是首要条款,本保险中任何与下列各条不一致的规定,均属无效。

The author, basing on the basic theories of insurable interest, studies some important theoretic questions of marine insurable interest, including what may amount to a marine insurable interest and when and to whom it should be required and how it should be recognized, transferred, terminated and classified; inquires into the insurable interest of several representative types of marine insurance contracts, including contract of marine insurance for Hulls, for the Carriage of Goods by Sea, for Freights, for Interests of Ships Mortgagees and for Liability; oppugns the provisions in insurance laws of our country on subject matter insured, double insurance and insurable interest.


Article 8 After a major emergency in the insurance asset management tokes place in an insurance institution, the insurance institution shall send to the CIRC a timely report on a major emergency that has caused or is likely to cause a loss of the insurance assets exceeding 50 million yuan or exceeding 0.1% of the total assets of this institution based on the initial prediction and appraisal results.

第八条 保险机构发生保险资产管理重大突发事件后,应当根据初步预测及评估结果,及时将已经造成或者可能造成保险资产损失超过5000万元或者超过该机构总资产1‰的重大突发事件,上报中国保监会。

The direct result of the insurance securitization is that a great quantity of capital can be attracted to flow into the insurance market, which will offer the investors the new, risk-separate investing channel and play an enormous role in improving the capital constitution of the financial industry and promoting the effective flow of the capital combined with the new changes of the calamity risk in the insurance industry both catastrophe internal and international, it is more important to securitize the insurance of the catastrophe risk.


Insurance expert analysis, the central bank's current interest rate is only adjusted by 0.27 percentage point increase is relatively small, while one-year time deposit rate rose to 2.25%, but the life insurance industry is the interest rate cap of 2.5% Insurance short term Interest Rates are not adjusted life insurance.


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Soul Insurance
Take Out Some Insurance
Heart Insurance
Insurance Fraud #2
High Risk Insurance

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
