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与 instruments 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Digital meter will be a trend with the development and generalization of sensor and digital display technology. Digital instruments have many inapproachable advantages. So in the paper, the design project of digital torque meter is presented.


Improvised music for holy trinity heresy that runs the full gamut of ethnic and electric instruments, primitive stupidity, the suspicious stench of medieval alchemy, the raw power of early rock music, all leavened with a pinch of cosmic incoherency.


During the actual production, that the oxygen contamination from the crucible material by heat composition increases the oxygen content of molten steel will result in melting losses of the alloys in the molten steel, and will results in more heavier melting losses of the alloys, incontrollable exact chemical content of molten steel, increment of oxide inclusions and bad processability and serviceability, especially in the high strength(σb≥1600MPa) steels and alloys with special performance used in aerospace industry, manufacturing industry for precision instruments and meters, military industry, nuclear industry etc. because these steels usually have a high content of some active alloys such as Ti, V, Nb, Al, RE, etc. and a nearly zero content of dissolved oxygen.


Despite the shocking drop in most Arab stock markets, Benjelloun argues that the mechanisms and financial instruments that directly caused the international financial crisis are inexistent in the Arab world.

尽管在大多数阿拉伯股票市场有惊人的下跌, Benjelloun认为,那些直接导致世界性金融危机的机制和金融手段,在阿拉伯世界并不存在。

Methods Infraturbinal, soft palate, uvula and tongue base were channeled using ENTecCobatorTM plasma surgical instruments, which was made by the Arthrocare Company, USA in all 60 cases.

目的 探讨低温等离子射频减容治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征的临床方法和疗效。

But an ensemble of gamelan masters, who play inharmonic instruments like gongs, might beg to differ.


For the tracking system, the means that can intellectively assist the fault diagnosis and maintenance is significant. Then we can avoid relying heavily on the experiences of the engineers and can reduce the probability of the event that engineers climb up to the antenna with heavy instruments when the faults turn out. For the data channel, to get the high-qualified remote sensing images, we need to get the quantitative data about how the factors influence the BER of Receiver .The data can help the design of receiver and the evaluation of the performance of a receiver. This thesis mainly contains those two parts.


Intelligential instruments adopt functional model frame and has detection, tension control and speed control etc.


The surgery consisted of one-stage posterior transpedicular eggshell technique, and then expanded the eggshell to the adjacent intervertebra including apex vertebra and both cephal and caudal wedge vertebra combined with their posterior elements, after completion of the VCR, instruments were added to achieve temporary stability.


New: The assistant element also holds additional instruments such as the intraoral camera.


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In The Presence Of Another World
Keeper Of The Flame
The Chariot
Beat That My Heart Skipped
New Potato Caboose
Body Instrument

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
