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与 instead 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He argues that management has to take such a task seriously, instead of making it "an annexe in the annual report".


Instead of opening the door, she turned to me and said annoyingly, It's my mom.


Why Could We Observe Eclipse instead of Annular Eclipse of the Moon?


An annular eclipse occurs instead of a total eclipse when the Moon is on the far part of its elliptical orbit around the Earth.


Various other mechanisms may be used instead of the ribs and flexible member in the annular space.


Instead they have an improved idea which is to apply a suitable magnetic field and exploit the anomalous magnetic moment of the Lambda baryons to measure simultaneously their polarization along three independent axes turning a passive measurement -one involving a check of the decay kinematics of the Lambda particles- into an active one -directly figuring out the polarization.

相反, 他们有一个更好的想法,这是一个合适的申请,并利用磁场异常磁矩的兰布达同时重子来衡量其偏振沿着三个独立的斧头,把被动测量一个涉及检查的衰变运动学粒子的兰布达,成为一个活跃的一个直接计算出的两极分化。

An Anorak is typically described as a hooded pullover garment instead of having a full front zipper.

一件 Anorak 的衣服通常指有套头帽子的衣服,而没有前面开口的拉链。

Before the PA's appointed preacher could reach the pulpit of Ansar, one of the town's largest mosques, a popular Hamas member of the Palestinian parliament, Mahir al-Badr, who had recently been released from an Israeli jail, got there instead.


Instead of trying to get people to buy into what he is saying, he seems determined to antagonize them.


With the combination of lighting, cooling and heating under daylighting, the study on the effect of the key characteristic parameters on total energy consumption is provided. The validation of the comparability of daylight distribution for building antetype and model is made through theoretical analysis and simulating calculation in the thesis. Due to the variable sky condition, daylighting factor is used for experimental validation instead of illuminance. The error analysis of several testing methods used in the experiment is conducted, followed by the experimental validation of the effect of WWR, sill and transmittance on daylighting factor distribution.

基于天空状态的多变性,提出用天然采光因数替代照度进行实验验证,对实验中的几种测试方法进行了误差分析,并通过实验验证了窗墙比、窗台高和透光率对天然采光因数分布的影响。4 为了更直观地分析各参数对照明节电的影响,提出了"特征点"、"特征线"和"特征距离"等概念;分析了天然采光下的照明节能状况,综合考虑照明、采暖和空调能耗,计算分析了几个主要特性参数对总能耗的影响。

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Song Instead Of A Kiss
Count Your Blessings Instead Of Sheep
Love Instead
Weed Instead Of Roses
I'll Cry Instead
It Could Be You (Instead Of Him)
I Wish I Could Be Lonely Instead
Sleep Instead Of Teardrops
Count Your Blessings Instead Of Sheep

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
