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Transgenic Betula platyphylla,toxicity,ecdysis index,schedule time of every instar

论文单位东北林业大学,点击次数1,论文页数55页File Size4349k

In this paper, we determined the toxicity of transgenic Betula platyphylla with Bt spider peptide gene. Larvae of Lymantria dispar were feed on leaves of transgenic Betula platyphylla with Bt spider peptide gene, The mortality, reduced ratio of weight, ecdysis index and schedule time of every instar.

本文对转Bt C肽蜘蛛杀虫肽的白桦进行杀虫性测定,对取食对照和转基因植株舞毒蛾幼虫的死亡率、体重降低率、蜕皮指数、幼虫各龄级历期等指标进行了分析,证明外源基因已经成功插入白桦基因组中,并且能够表达杀虫蛋白。

They have the same expression trend:In the 5~ instar,the expression level is lowest,which increases great with eclosion and declines a little at 5 hours after eclosion,then increases again at 7 hours and 1 day after eclosion.


However, Difference were observed on the esterase isoenzyme patterns in the treated and control groups of the 4th instar larvae.


The results indicated that the forager of minimum instar is 3 days old, the collecting syrup quantity of 13-27 days old workers was the highest. Each worker collected 69.44 75.25 mg the syrup once. The quantity of collecting syrup of marked workers under 12 days old is unstable, but it tends to be stable with the increase of growth of the workers. At the measuring site, 11 day old marked workers began to increase obviously till 28 days.

结果表明,采集蜂最小日龄为3日龄,13~27日龄段的工蜂采蜜量最高,每只蜜蜂每次采集69.44~75.25 mg;12日龄以前的标记蜂采蜜量不稳定,随着日龄的增长逐渐趋于稳定;在测定地点,标记蜂11日龄开始明显增多,直到28日龄后减少。

Development period of the parasitoid pupa from the 5th instar larva fed on MSB was significantly longer. Length of cocoon of MSB treatment was significantly shorter than the control. However, no obvious differences were detected in the development periods of egg to larva, cocoon mass size, wasp emergence rate, sex ratio, longevity and forewing length of wasp between KMD1 and the control. 3. Amino acid content in the haemolymph of SSB after fed with transgenic rice Although there were no changes on the components of amino acids in the haemolymph of SSB after fed with two transgenic rice lines, there were some changes on relative contents of amino acids.

取食KMD1 36h后0天,20种氨基酸中除天门冬酰胺、丝氨酸、苏氨酸和甲硫氨酸外,其它16种氨基酸的含量都高于对照,其中组氨酸、甘氨酸、苯丙氨酸、异亮氨酸、赖氨酸差异达显著水平,谷氨酰胺、脯氨酸差异达极显著水平,与氨基酸总量表现一致的变化趋势;取食KMD1后1天,除天门冬酰胺、谷氨酰胺和赖氨酸高于对照外,其它17种氨基酸均较对照低,但仅丝氨酸、苏氨酸和色氨酸与对照差异显著;取食KMD1后3天,绝大多数氨基酸含量的变化与取食KMD1后0天的趋势一致,除丙氨酸和色氨酸比对照稍低,其它18种氨基酸均高于对照,其中精氨酸、缬氨酸差异显著,丝氨酸差异达极显著。

The female specific protein not only exits in the hemolymph of mature female, but also in ovary, embryo and first zoeal instar.

FSP 不但存在於母蟳血淋巴液中,也存在於卵巢和胚胎的萃取液及刚孵出的蚤状幼体中。

I have at least one adult instar...


This thing's already metamorphed into a new instar.


Day 3 of fifth instar is an important stage for silk protein synthesis and preparation for metamorphism.


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To observate clinical effect about treatment of flail chest by multiporous lucite plate external fixation device.

目的 :观察多孔有机玻璃板外固定器治疗连枷胸的临床效果。

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My father, Ivan taught me a lot so I have a lot to thank him for.
