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与 insofar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Insofar as we have grasped the contextual meaning given by the original writers of Scripture, our scripturally based assertions that God is spirit, God is holy, or God is love are true.


4 All statutory or regulatory requirements whether arising before or during the period covered by this insurance shall be complied with insofar as they relate to the seaworthiness of the Vessel.

2.2 包括任何展期在内的本保险不受该第2条对展期的任何影响。

It is political insofar as it frames not only works or monuments , but also a specific space-time sensorium , as this sensorium defines ways of being together or being apart , of being inside or outside , in front of or in the middle of , etc.

它是政治的,是因为,它自身的实践塑造了可见性的形式,而正是这些形式重新框限了各种实践、存在样态和感情和表达模式在常识或共同情感中相互交织的方式,这一 commonsense 可理解为体现于共同的 sensorium 中的一种"共同感"。

China gave an impression that there was no border dispute insofar as Sikkim is concerned.


Tongan" and "Xingan seem to differ in just one Chinese character, yet it matters greatly insofar as about the protection of Chinese critical tradition, to which we should pay great heed and attach great importance.


This covert appreciation of images in dangerous insofar as it accepts not a dialectical relation between political and formal meaning, not their nterpenetration, but a hazier, more reified relation, one in which topicality drops away as epochs fade, and the aesthetic aspect is, if anything, enhanced by the loss of specific reference (although there remains, perhaps, a cushioning backdrop of vague social sentiments limiting the 'mysteriousness' of the image) I would argue against the possibility of a nonidological aesthetic; any response to an image is inevitably rooted in social knowledge- specifically, in social understanding of cultural product.

l s1 o6 A8 l( R$ D7 E)|7 }$}迄今为止,这样的想法已经把对作品的鉴赏力引向了危险的境地,因为它接受的不是政治意义与正式意义之间的辨证关系,不是两者之间互相渗透的关系,而是一种更危险更实在的关系,其中最明显的就是随着几个重要时代的消褪而衰败,就美学角度来说,如果任何事物,因丢失具体的参考文献而被强调出来(尽管这些文献是存在的,可能一股当时社会含糊不请的氛围造成了缓冲力从而限制了作品的神秘性)我一定会反对一种叫非智慧美学的可能性,一幅作品的任何反应都必然植根于社会的知识形态,尤其是社会对文化产物的理解

The tragic myth too, insofar as it belongs to art at all, participates fully in this metaphysical intention of art to transfigure.


Comparisons with the firm's first major success in tall buildings, the Wainwright are instructive insofar as the refinements of the Guaranty are more evident.


In 1981 Elaine Showalter suggested that even criticizing writing by men from a feminist perspective (what she called "FEMINIST CRITIQUE") may remain androcentric insofar as it continues to focus on male texts and to work within frameworks derived from these.


Asocial movement is autonomous insofar it can independently decide its strategy with little constraint from the allied party.


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On Love, In Sadness

Not surprisingly, this rapid development has been garnering worldwide attention but also some concern.


A generic name for a device that can store and process numeric and alphabetic in formation.


Regarding the feasibility to establish the arbitration mechanism in China, our government should legislatively perfect this important mechanism on the basis of its specialties and advantages.
