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与 insofar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The misrecognition of the performative dimension runs here in the opposite direction: the classical Master is the Master only insofar as his subjects are treating him as a Master, but here, the People are the "real People" only insofar as they are embodied in its representative, the Party and its Leader.


However, the action variable is a more conspicuous presence, insofar as its name as well as what it does—the code is easier to understand. The per- son and howmany variables are used for their values while the action vari- able is used as a flag.


All other churches are false churches insofar as they lack one of the four properties possessed by the Roman Catholic Church: unity, holiness, catholicity, and apostolicity.

所有其他教会是假的教会来说,他们缺乏其中的四个属性所拥有的罗马天主教会:团结,成圣,共通性, apostolicity 。

These two principles in turn give rise to the third step in the argument, the jurisprudential principle, which Murray here calls the principle of the free society.91 " This principle affirms that man in society must be accorded as much freedom as possible, and that that freedom is not to be restricted unless and insofar as necessary."


Johnston 1992, Baker 1997 Constitution is distinguished from identity insofar as it is an asymmetric relation: Lump constitutes Statue, but not vice versa .

Johnston 1992, Baker 1997)构成区别于同一,就其是一个不对称的关系而言:泥块构成雕像,反之不成立。

By contrast column three signifies the refusal of autochthony, insofar as monsters like the sphinx tried to prevent humankind from being born.


Insofar as you are rational, anyway, you only want there to be someone mentally continuous with you in the future, whether or not he is strictly you.


Belles-lettres, insofar as there was such a counterpart at all, did not appear until the American spoken language had acquired its special character.


If a claim pursuant to this Act is brought against the operator of a facility, he may demand from the injured person or from the operator of another facility information or an opportunity to review documents or demand information from the agencies named in § 9, insofar as this is needed to determine the scope of his liability to the injured person or of his claim for indemnity against the other operator.


It has a normative content only insofar as the communicatively acting individuals must commit themselves to pragmatic presuppositions of a counterfactual sort.


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On Love, In Sadness

In addition, Wolf scientists and technicians working in tandem with the Kell Hounds recently produced a new OmniMech based on Inner Sphere technology. So versatile is this 'Mech that some Wolf garrison warriors have traded their Clan BattleMechs for it.


In having his Isabel marry an egoist, he robbed her nature of its chance to express itself.


I usually take the bus to school.
