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inside and outside相关的网络例句

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与 inside and outside 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The outside gill disappeared, the gill arches developed to from the branchia, later the branchia appeared primary protuberance, along with developing, it appeared the secondary protuberance and the third protuberance, until the 36 stage, the stage is the inside gill developing at the peak, later it came into the period of the metamorphosis, the inside gill degenerated, the third protuberance began shrank, next the secondary protuberance and the primary protuberance shrank, finally the gill arches shrank and disappeared, the metamorphosis completed.


The cap device includes a cap body having an inside transfer path for connecting an inlet opening for introducing the fuel and an outside transfer pipe, a fixed outer cap including a connector for fixing a discharge opening into which the transfer pipe is inserted, and an elastic opening/closing section in which the cap body is elastically compressible by the connector, and wherein the inside transfer path opens during the compression.


Engine room counting fee management application, project structure and expansion solution guidebook A PC product need analysis: Engine room application besides need towards function had special request outside, other summarize to have 4:00:(1) PC fundamental that PC that stability, engine room use is up is everyday 24 hours request for be placed inning openning the machine and circulating the appearance, stability towards PC having more and strictly, then request PC at any time high low temperature start, stanza can manage, power supply manage, inside memory manage and keep on worked deathless machine very and strictly, this is not is what DIY can make to, these factors must be in the product system design inside factor that consider, at the same time at the factor that the machine produce adopt a 48 hour development test the machine can discover latent influence system stability;(2) PC of can manage the sex, engine room as if teach Teach the profession's electronics classroom, and management engine room as if management teacher to electronics teacher, and this is the PC network management, namely on-line management, for example early the machine of many sets proceed together the OS to install, application the procedure install, hardware management, usage supervise and control and report to the police the etc.

机房应用除了对性能有特殊要求之外,其它的需求概括起来有4点:(1)PC的稳定性,机房用的PC基本上是每天24小时处于开机及运行状态,对PC的稳定性有更加严格的要求,即对PC 随时高低温启动、节能管理、电源管理、内存管理以及持续工作不死机的要求非常严格,这并非是DIY所能做到的,这些因素必须是在产品系统设计中考虑的因素,同时在机器生产时采用48小时动态考机才能发现潜在的影响系统稳定性的因素;(2)PC的可管理性,机房如同教育行业的电子教室,对机房的管理如同对教师对电子教师的管理,这就是PC的网络管理,即在线管理,例如初始化多台机器并行OS安装、应用程序安装、硬件管理、使用监控以及报警等管理功能,针对机房PC,专门开发机房管理软件,实现对机房PC的管理;(3)易用性要求,机房PC如同傻瓜PC,在客户端不需要安装、设置,只须开机,满足易用性要求;(4)健康要求:静电、电磁辐射指标、显示器防眩、键盘鼠标抗菌设计及符合人体公学设计。

The existing points and lines would form a closed geometric shape. If we put the new point Z outside the closed geometric shape at first and later then found that the point Z has neighboring relationship with the existing point A which is inside the closed geometric shape, we could not link point Z and A directly because that would bring line crossing. If we rearrange the point Z into the closed geometric shape, that also would cause a lot of work to do. With the help of Exclave, all problems could be solved easily. We use point X outside the closed geometric shape as the Exclave of the point A. Then the line between point Z and X could demonstrate the neighboring relationship of the point Z and A.

原有的各点和相邻线段往往会形成一个封闭的几何图形,如果我们把新增点 Z 设在原有的封闭几何图形外部,后来又发现该点 Z 和位于封闭几何图形内部的点 A 存在相邻关系,这时不能直接将两点连接因为那将产生交叉,而如果将点 Z 重新设在封闭图形内部也将导致大量的调整工作;此时借助外飞地的概念,可以轻松地解决上述问题,即在封闭几何图形外部设置点 X 作为点 A 的外飞地,两点使用同样的颜色,用点 Z 和点 X 的相邻线段表示点 Z 和点 A 之间的相邻关系。

Inside some bar in Guangzhou the Milky way, happily gather under the same roof, speak out freely, festively singing and dancing, wine cling to inside the picture that presents a Feng Chengxiang of a put on a false show of peace and prosperity, dragon, and in the sky outside hanging tomorrow high one round!


Morphological and flourescent changes were assessed using confocal microscopy in whole-mount organ of Corti preparations. Results (1) After the animals were exposed to broadband noise at 122 dB SPL in 4 h/day for 2 days, both apoptosis and necrosis appeared in OHCs. The single strand DNA in apoptotic OHCs were observed both in guinea pigs and mice.(2) In normal OHCs, EndoG was distributed outside of nuclei. EndoG translocated from outside to inside of the nuclei in both apoptotic and necrotic OHCs following noise exposure.(3) The MNNG cochlear perfusion and noise exposure both caused the transloctation of AIF from the mitochondria to the nuclei. The translocation of AIF took place in both apoptotic and necrotic OHCs.

结果 (1)暴露于120 dB SPL的白噪声环境中每天4小时,连续2天后引起豚鼠和小鼠耳蜗外毛细胞凋亡时,其细胞核内产生ssDNA,而在正常细胞内没有三ssDNA;(2)在正常情况下,EndoG分布于耳蜗毛细胞的细胞核外,在暴露于上述噪声后发生凋亡和坏死的豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞中,EndoG从细胞核外转移到细胞核内,细胞核中的EndoG显著增加;(3)豚鼠耳蜗外淋巴灌流烷化剂MNNG后发生耳蜗外毛细胞凋亡和坏死,在凋亡和坏死的耳蜗外毛细胞中,AIF自线粒体转移到细胞核,其变化与噪声损伤引起耳蜗外毛细胞凋亡和坏死时一致。

Based on the eco- environment function, confirmed the constitution of eco- environment water demand(including the inside of the watercourse.and the ecological water demand of the outside of the watercourse such as ecological water demand of economical crop, of lake or reservoir and of cities.).③Analyzing the physical geography, hydrography, economy characteristic and water resource status, getting the proper calculation method. The Tennant applied to the eco- environment water demand of inside of the watercourse, woodland minmum eco- environment water demand calculation method applied to the eco- environment water demand of woodland, water ration method applied to farmland the eco- environment water demand, water evaporation method applied to the reservoir eco- environment water demand.


Protease packaging of 25 kg / piece in plastic and cardboard boxes outside the series, trisodium phosphate and 25 kg / plastic pieces inside the outer parts, medicinal mirabilite available 1 kg / pieces of plastic bags or 25 kg / piece woven bag equipment, soda ash 50 kilograms / pieces in plastic bags outside the series, caustic soda packaging for the 25 kilograms / pieces of double-woven bags.

蛋白酶包装为 25 公斤/件内塑外编和纸箱,磷酸三钠为 25 公斤/件内塑外编,药用芒硝可用 1 公斤/件塑袋或 25 公斤/件编织袋装,纯碱 50 公斤/件内塑外编袋装,烧碱包装为 25 公斤/件双塑编袋装。

The fourth, directed against the concrete conditions of three metropolises in our country in the present stage, we propose: [1] Recommend the sports view of quality": In the idea , we should change "strengthen health opinion" to "strengthen health-promote qualityopinion; [2] Pay attention to the transformation of the need motive: From the start with meeting the participant's inside motive and need, adopting different methods to the person of different demand levels, making the outside regulating activities which influence people to participate in the sports activities turn into the inside motive; [3] Upgrade the idea of sports of the school: According to the development in era, the existing sports ideas should be changed, and be carried on overall, systematic coordinated reform; [4] Orient the value of worker's sports again: Worker's sports is the investment of the social manpower capital, it is the main part of the corporate culture and enterprising spirit, it is not merely the worker's welfare , it is the welfare of the enterprise; [5] The society which develops masses' sports collects a group of quality : Interdynamic mass's sports is one of the important reasons why people insist on doing exercises.


But when the flame went out, the air inside the bottle cooled and contracted . The air pressure outside the bottle was greater than the air pressure inside. That caused the egg, and some air, to get sucked inside.


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Inside And Outside

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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