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与 inserted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods:The conservative region of mTOR gene was inserted into pLXIN reversedly, then the vector was packaged in PT67 cells by transfection with lipofectamine and transfected to VSMC. The efficiency of antisense inhibition was verified,and the changes of p70S6k and 4E-BP1 were also determined at the same time. The proliferation activity was determined by flowcytometry and MTT.


Stamens 5, inserted at margin of disc; filaments filiform-subulate; anthers ovoid to oblong. Disc ringlike.


The plasmid pAO815 is then used in homologous recombination, and the recombinant plasmid pETnsGH is further converted, jointed and inserted into GS115 saccharomycetes for the foreign gene to express normally.


Staminodes apically entire and sagittate, or 3-sect; fertile stamens 3 (sometimes 1 or 2 aborted), all inserted opposite sepals

顶部的退化雄蕊是整个和箭头形,或者3全裂;可育雄蕊3(有时1或2 中止),全部着生的与萼片对生 8 Murdannia 水竹叶属

Stamens inserted in widened part of corolla tube; filaments short or almost none; anthers oblong or narrowly triangular, free from pistil head, base sagittate or deeply cordate and not spurred; disc absent.


Stamens inserted at middle of corolla tube; filaments short; anthers sagittate, included, adherent to pistil head at middle, cells with an empty tail; disc ringlike, as long as ovary, apex entire or 5-lobed.


Filaments free or ± connate, inserted inside at top of disk; connectives dilated abaxially from base or from apex into thin, scarious appendages exceeding anthers.

花丝 分离或者合生,在花盘顶部的里面着生;药隔背部从基部膨大或从先端缩小为细瘦的干膜质附属物,长于花药。

Perianth rotate, spreading, or erect, inserted at rim of receptacle tube; segments numerous, outer ones sepaloid, inner ones petaloid.


In the part of hardware module, card inserted detection and reset, data reception and transmission, card deactivation are discussed separatedly according to the module's function; In the part of software module, smart card interface register configuration, transmission protocol parse and the applications of MIPS interrupt are discussed.


At wall-floor connections a sheet of expanded polystyrene is inserted which acts as thermal insulation at this point and also as permanent shuttering.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
