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Corona lobes inserted on backs of anthers; pollinia erect or horizontal

花药,副花冠裂片着生于回来;花粉块直立或者水平 39 Tylophora 娃儿藤属

The fusion gene was inserted downstream to the MOX promoter of Hansenula polymorpha shuttle plasmid pDGXHP2.0, and the constructed multicopy secretory recombinant plasmid was transformed to Hansenula polymorpha ATCC34438 Ura3(superscript - by electroporation.


Causing additional AMPA receptors to be assembled and inserted into the membrane of the postsynaptic cell.


METHODS: Titanium nails (1.5 mm in diameter) were separately inserted on two sides of left premaxillary suture in rabbits. A self-made distraction device was used. Gelatum-like substance [V(subscript platelet-rich plasma):V=9:1] was injected into the left premaxillary suture of experimental group rabbits immediately prior to distraction.


Further, the commonly performed manipulation known as "stretching the foreskin" by forcibly opening sinus forceps inserted in the preputial orifice cannot be justified on anatomical grounds, besides being painful and traumatizing.

进一步,通常表现了作为&拉长包皮&被知道的操作由强制地打开湾穴钳在 preputial 孔插入了不能在解剖的地面上被认为正当,除是以外痛苦并且 traumatizing 。

The tryptophan auxotrophs and the kanamycin resistant prototrophic revertants have been proved to contain a copy of Tn5 inserted in the chromosome by Southern Blot analysis with DIG-labeled 3. 5 kb HindⅢ fragment of pkan2 as the Tn5 probe. Four typies of prototrophic revertants could be found by the above assay.


The state-of-the-art combination transformer recently developed by us, namely ZFS10-H combination transformer, has been provincially certified in 2000, inheriting the advantages of the American and European box transformers, with such structural features as being innovative , compact and unique, composed of wholly sealed power transformer, high-voltage ring net load switch, terminal load switch, backup fuse and inserted fuse, etc.


Stamens inserted nearly at base of or proximally in perianth tube, positioned lower than stigma.


Stamens inserted near base or proximally in perianth tube, positioned lower than stigma.


Four quadripolar electrode catheters were inserted percutaneously and advanced under fluoroscopic guidance to the high right atrium, coronary sinus, right ventricular apex, and atrio-ventricular junction for recording of the His bundle electrogram.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
