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Stamens equal to or 2 × as many as petals, inserted in lateral pits on disk or at base of disk; filaments distinct, linear, with or without adaxial ligulate appendage at base; anthers longitudinally dehiscent.


Once the rods are inserted, the lordotic alignment of the spine should be checked with theintraoperative lateral x-ray or image view, and compared to the preoperative lateral standing view.


The DNA sequences around the transposon inserted site were also amplified by inverse PCR and sequenced. Multisequence alignments showed that the mutated genes were highly similar to the malonyl coenzyme A transacylaseg gene, lipopeptide synthetase B gene and sensor histidine kinase gene, respectively.

反向PCR克隆转座插入位点周边序列及测序结果表明,转座突变的基因与编码脂肽类化合物合成和调控相关的malonyl coenzyme A transacylase、lipopeptide synthetase B和sensor histidine kinase蛋白基因具有高度同源性。

HC32 series four column hydraulic machine is 3 beam 4 pole structure. The electricity adopts the PLC controller, the hydraulic system adopts the advanced artridge inserted valve or slide valve system to control the hydraulic machine by manipulatively collecting button.


Methods All operation were performed in normal radioparent operatingtable,an 8cm incision is located in fibular of the patella ligament, drill in the femoral intercondylar ,the fracture is manipulatively reducted with the knee flexion, enlarging the medulla ,then interlocking intramedullary nail is inserted.

手术均在能透视的普通手术台进行,于髌韧带外侧缘做8 cm的切口,经股骨髁间窝开孔,膝关节屈曲手法复位,依次扩髓,逆行穿入带锁钉。

Results: For normal living body. extensor hallucis longus was about (44±4.26)mm lateral to tibialis anterior muscle at the transverse striation of ankle,(2.00±2.22)mm lateral to the middle point of tarsometatarsal joint,(1.32±1.46)mm lateral to the middle point of metatarsophalangeal joint, and it inserted into the center of the base of distal phalanx with the range of (2.22±2.42) mm.


A microelectrode was inserted into the lumbar cord usingcomputer-controlled motors and a hydraulic microdrive. Neuronalresponses to electrical stimulation of the hindpaw were soughtat 1.5, 2, and 2.5 atm N2O (0.8–1.3 minimum alveolar concentration).

用电脑控制的发动机和水微型推进器在大鼠髓腰段插入微电极,记录吸入1.5、2和2.5atm (0.8–1.3MAC )笑气时,电刺激大鼠后爪引发的神经元反应。

Hepatopancreas cDNA expression libraries of normal and disease-resistant shrimp Penaeus monodon were constructed by k ZAP Express vector. The titer, capacity, recombination ratio and the size of the inserted cDNAs of two libraries showed they were effective and could be used in the research of shrimp genes.

用λZAP Express载体分别构建了正常虾和抗病虾肝胰腺的cDNA表达文库,经鉴定其各项指标(包括滴度、库容量、重组率和插入片段长度等)后表明,这两个文库都是合格的,可用于对虾基因的克隆和研究。

Stamens (6-)12-100+, inserted at or near base of floral tube, exserted, dimorphic in most species, 6 solitary in front of sepals with thick filaments and large anthers, 12-100+ in clusters in front of petals with thin filaments and small anthers, rarely monomorphic, then all filaments thin, subequal.

雄蕊(6-)12-100 +,着生在花被管或其近基部,外露,在大多数种里二形,在萼片前前面的6单生具粗的花丝和大的花药,在花瓣前12-100+簇生具细的花丝和小的花药,很少同型,同型则花丝细,近等长。

Filaments short, inserted on corolla tube; anthers ovate to oblong, mucronate or obtuse at apex.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
